9-Year-Old Boy Defeats A Professional Chess Streamer

Kids these days are really good at chess… Andrea experienced it herself at the London chess shop. Drop a like and tell us in the comments if you have ever lost to an opponent as young as the boy in the video!
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%1$ Comments623

    Streamer and professional can’t go in the same sentence sorry

    wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait whats wrong with the move black knight to c3, just before the white queen goes to a7? isn't that just a fork on the 2 rooks? knights protected by black rook on b1

    Maybe because she talks too much!! They boy said only two words the whole game!! maybe because its a game of focus and wisdom?? No one knows why she lost!!

    She lost the moment her mouth was more in the game than her brain.

    The kid sometimes looks at his father for approval before he releases the piece.

    I Was playing chess since i was 6, forgot it and now im trying to get started back again

    She didn’t even challenge one move she just got picked off lmao.

    In this video she talks to much, and as my father taught me do not talk just concentrate on the game he also taught me oldest brother and no one wanted to play him

    I was actually pretty good in chess ( or so i thought) and i was also a high school champion until one day, in certain chess club in our area i faced a 8 yr old boy and he utterly destroyed me , I was a sophomore at the time. Until that I thaught I would pursue chess as my career, i was really passionate about it, but after seeing him play i realized one thing, that hiw cruel this game can be

    I was watching her all the time 😍😍😍 she is so beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    surely she is not a chess player…she messed everything up.

    little kids that play chess scare me. absolutely worse pairings

    Good for nothing loud mouth worst play not a professinal player

    4:30 – little man smells blood in the water, strikes and never looks back. Good for him.

    Thats what flexing with youre bottle of water being a pre madonna will get you .

    the way she was talking the whole time is how you know she was scared 😂

    Thanks for not resigning . He will never forget the game .

    She didnt See the horse attacking the Queen?😳

    Being a YouTube streamer doesn't make you good at chess. Slap on some makeup, dye your hair and wax your brows and anyone will watch you.

    9 year old boy: I have the power of God and anime on our side! 😈
    Chess streamer: Hahahah! No escape for you!
    9 year old legendary move unlocked.
    Chess streamer pieces: NANI!!!
    Chess pieces: Impossible!!!
    9 year old: This is the last move to checkmate!
    9 year old: Coner mate!!!

    Hey girl, your sister also same like you!

    4:30 Can someone pls explain me why did she sacrifice her Queen for absolutely no reason?🙏🏻

    She won't shut the fuck up, she touches and tries to back track, then when in trouble she shuts up and focuses.
    Who ever needs to clarify touching is moving?

    To be fair, she's the inferior version of the sisters. 😆

    The kid is totally unphased by his opponent'sdrop-dead gorgeousness.
    Thar will change.

    The hypocrite always gets quiet when they start to lose.

    The guy in the back was the best bro . The 9 year old was definitely focus.

    i would be way to distracted by her presence to think about trying to play chess while sitting across from a grill as beautiful as her. Literally, intelligent, respectful, successful, beautiful. THE PACKAGE DEAL. whoever marries her is a very lucky man.

    im 9 and im sitting on my couch playing fifa lol

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