99% of Chess Players Make This Mistake.

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%1$ Comments333

    levy never fails to say what does my opponent want

    Drink every time Gotham says "what does my opponent want"

    I don’t understand… Should I use Nord VPN or Surf Shark Levy?

    Levy just said yesterday against his bot that he never says “ chess is hard” like his bot did and he opened with saying it three times lol

    Guys I think he wants us to think ab what the opponent wants

    I’m 1195 and I’m better than those 1260s lol

    Looking for a good reason for trading bishop for knight is not a suitable advice for people rated 1300-1400 and lower, maybe even higher

    For those people, knights are very valuable, in a lot of cases even far more valuable than bishops

    What does levy wants ?
    "To click on this video"

    I prefer the '13 year old Valley Girl having hysterics when playing his own bot Levy' to this guy.

    Ai Levi: Chess is hard.
    Levi: I don't say that!
    Next video….. Chess is hard.


    99% of Chess Players are Mistakes, you're the one whom I expected the most to know that.

    Me watching a 700 play: Oh, that move actually has an interesting idea.

    The 700: I had an idea?

    I know I’ve been playing too much chess when I thought Gotham said “Knight e5” instead of 95… 🫠

    Those mistakes at 1000… how are they higher rated than me?

    If you're annotating 700 vs 700, you can't afford to be emotional… 
    Why not? This video illustrates nicely.

    Same lame ass comments over and over everyday because y'all can't think of anything original so you copy off the last person in hopes to get likes so you repeat the same thing
    Levy never fails
    Gotham never fails
    Click bait
    The stare.

    Over and over and over and over because you are so so lame

    I always ask myself: “What does Levy want in this position?”… then I click the video.

    @GothamChess make a channel where you teach russian

    You know what else is harder that chess…

    I was 1600 then lost couple of games now I am 1500, then thanks to this video I'm now 1400 thank you Gotham

    I actually won a match, with 90% accuracy. Thank you

    24:10 Yes!!! I finally get to see the Scotch Gambit in a Gotham Video! And not only the gambit, but one of the more exciting lines!!

    99% of chess players make the mistake of trying chess in the first place!😂😂😂

    I look forward for part 2… what do I want? 😂

    the duolingo owl in the background staring into our souls…

    Levy I don't know if you're ever gonna read this but if you do I just want to tell you how appreciative I am for all of your videos… and your cheesy and cringy humor lol. Much love

    Hey Levy's voice is back,happy for you man 🎉❤

    I thought Levy would say: "playing the Caro-Kann. But anyway…"

    What I don't get about chess is this:

    If there are known set of moves for each opening be it 10 or more per side coupled with known end game results..
    Why bother playing all phases of chess ? Play only the middle phase. I get why Magnus likes the new format, it's not scripted.

    At low level chess, perhaps the better question is “establish what YOU want.” That first game was painful to watch.

    I like gotham cus Bully in a respectful way😂😂

    how are they 1200 elo and im only 600 lol

    Levy playing the Gotham bot:

    Bot: "Chess is hard"
    Gotham: "I never say that!"

    Also Levy at the start of his next video:

    Gotham: "Chess is hard. Chess… Is hard."

    "What does my opponent want?"

    A hug ❤😊

    Legend says Bruce Lee did one push up every time Levy said "What does my opponent want?" to become invincible

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