A brief history of chess – Alex Gendler

Trace the storied history of the game of chess, from its origins in 7th century India to the computer software we use today.

The attacking infantry advances, their elephants already having broken the defensive line. The king tries to retreat, but the enemy flanks him from the rear. Escape is impossible. This isn’t a real war— nor is it just a game. Over the 1,500 years of its existence, chess has been known as a military strategy tool, a metaphor for human affairs and a measure of genius. Alex Gendler shares its history.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Remus & Kiki.

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%1$ Comments860

    תעשה סרטון על האנדרוגינוס ( גבר ואישה שמחוברים כמו תאומים סיאמיים בן ובת)

    תעשה סרטון על ראמה ( חייזר בהודו)

    Meanwhile Samah Raina: Ghoda disrespect

    In our country chess call “cờ vua”

    Please, everyone knows the time lords invented chess

    During the late 19th Century in India when Britishers took everything I would have been a chess player at that time

    3:20 Seriously? One of my pet hates when I see that in films when people put the board the wrong way around. Drives me nuts and shows complete ignorance for the game.

    Whatever any one say it is the fact that without India World couldn't have get the chess.

    I just can't explain how perfect this masterpiece game is..

    Would love to have a chess set with camels and elephants! Only seen them in Museums :/

    The attacking infantry advances steadily, their elephants already having broken the defensive line.
    The king tries to retreat, but enemy cavalry flanks him from the rear.
    Escape is impossible,

    Still waiting for the update… anyone knows when's chess 2 coming out?

    Since Deep Lue – a machine, defeated the champion, chest have been became less porpular. There some reson, suppose such as the fall off Soviet, developing of video games, way of comunicating changed. One of important reason is this even itself, lossing of human infront of marchine make chest less intesrting to young people, they do not have disirable to defeat machinary but use a machine to defeat anothers, all people or agroup of machine. Human is so briliant, but one of intelligent game like chest will shrinking.

    In actual chess there is no queen it is 'Montri' or minister…..also there is no bishop it is 'Goj' or Elephant and the other one at the end is 'Nau Bohor' or Naval Fleet. This is the actual form of chess that is from India. Britishers imposed their idea of the game as to prove that they was the colonisers and we Indians are their slaves. Keep the sanctity and purity of the chess as it is. Don't pollute it by unnecessary things. One should practice the form of the game from where it originated and in the case of chess is India. So stop saying the language of the colonizers.

    The Soviet Union dominating for the rest of the century?

    Seems you forgot about Bobby Fischer.

    Queen was introduced by queen Isabella of Castile. Since the current power of that piece was offending to her she also empowered its moves

    What you mean? The treadmill is still a torture device…

    But we all know that no one can beat the hard difficulty computer in Chess

    In India till date the Queen is called Minister, the Bishop, Elephant; the the rook, chariot.

    First nobody knows the origins of chess. Secondly chess is heavily assumed to be from Africa because it’s the first proof of concept. Thirdly this video is clearly inappropriate because it completely doesn’t mention my first 2 points

    2:38 And that's why I started Shogi recently, this key mechanic is awesome, all pieces must always exist in your mind. Also stalemate is never a thing in real play. Promotion is very dynamic too (going in, out, or moving within the 3 last lines (of the 9×9 board)). And many other cool stuff I need to look deeper into.

    In Hungarian, the pieces called:
    King = Király (also mean King)
    Queen = Vezér/Királynő ("Leader"/also mean Queen)
    Bishop = Futó ("Runner")
    Knight = Huszár ("Hussar")
    Rook = Bástya ("Bastion")
    Pawn = Gyalog ("Footmen")

    It'll be checkmate if we don't program a subjugated AI with the 3 Laws of Robotics.

    Indonesian still kept the Sanskrit name as 'catur'

    It's interesting that it's name is still "Chatarng" in Arabic

    Love all the jokes and the characters' expression. This video illustration is genius XD

    It's too old game,it was invented by "shurpanaka" king Ravan sister.
    Not guptas

    these churches are even banning yoga these days lol

    Anyone else cringe when they see a dark square in the right-hand corner?

    The Queen piece is modelled after Queen Isabella of Spain who finalised the crusade to take back her country from islamic occupation.

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