A brief history of chess – Alex Gendler

Trace the storied history of the game of chess, from its origins in 7th century India to the computer software we use today.

The attacking infantry advances, their elephants already having broken the defensive line. The king tries to retreat, but the enemy flanks him from the rear. Escape is impossible. This isn’t a real war— nor is it just a game. Over the 1,500 years of its existence, chess has been known as a military strategy tool, a metaphor for human affairs and a measure of genius. Alex Gendler shares its history.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Remus & Kiki.

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%1$ Comments860

    This is a fitting video for chess lover

    Go predates chess by over 2,000 years. Chinese chess is called qi and it has elephants and a river. This is based on Indian chess.

    He didn’t even mention how sassy was there when they invented it

    Chess is mental torcher and watching chess is waste of time

    Chess pieces represented 4 factions of army – Elephant riders , horse riders , Archers and foot Soldiers.

    In Mahabharat , chess is shown used Krishna to teach his nephew strategies of war. So it's much older than Gupta Empire and already used to teach war strategies. Many other Indian games are similar in that aspect like Kabbadi.

    Chinese chess are fought on the battlefield, dont see the king and queen. The english chess fought between 2 castles, with walls flying straight. Which comes first i wonder.

    "Or the king is helpless"
    *king Agressivly looks at him*

    There's something I don't understand in this part: 3:023:14
    Why did the church remain suspicious in games and why was chess been briefly banned in France?
    Apart from that, I really love the animation style, narration and the colours and details of chess boards and pieces in this video! It's my most favourite Ted Talk!❤♟

    India is great my life becomes a regret itself in living the neighbor country of India. May god give me piece long live my nation and my neighbor

    “When is chess 2 coming out?”
    “Oh about a thousand years ago”

    I love the video but they should’ve talked about Bobby Fischer

    From King's brother to an@l beads, we've come a long way

    let it be clear that chess is NOT a realistic depiction of battle, the pope CANNOT teleport more than 3 tiles in real life.

    This animation is really really well done. ✔️

    So what did mandodari invented for Ravana?

    The best Chess Masters always come up from Russia.

    Wise men say playing chess has sharpened the human mind. I do agree with that statement myself, a person who likes the play chess occasionally.

    I wish chess would change often, forcing us to adapt rather than creating a book for openings and book for the entire game and memorizing it and basically playing like a computer while making some humanly mistakes here and there.

    Let’s take a moment to appreciate the great Ancestors of the Indian who created this masterpiece.

    “..all chess players are artists.”
    Me, both an artist and chess expert: yessir

    The go game isn’t related to chess, the game related to chess (which is displayed as the game go), is called Chinese chess


    In my family, only the eldest son of the eldest son gets taught how to play chess.

    Actually chess is 象棋, not 圍棋 in Chinese

    "Russians would dominate the championship for the next century, but it wasn't a player from another country who would upset this"

    Yes it was.

    Temirlan wasn't Mongole lider he was Samarkand's lider

    Religion is where Creativity goes to DIE. I would rather die a painful tragic death in pursuit of something truly Great or Unique or never seen before by humans then succumb to comfort of Religion for made up lying peace which it offers, in death i will have ultimate peace i already know that.

    Many chess players today play like robots so it’s a little difficult to find any really cool games with amazing piece sacrifices and stuff like that nowadays.

    Lol you are all wrong about your information the earliest form of chess was first started in indus valley civilization

    Kinda of sad that Bobby Fischer didn't get mentioned in the part where they talked about the Cold war.

    in my country we actrually say shah and shah mat

    No mention of India even though it was invented from Indians.

    always gotta bring the anti-communism into everything

    In 6th century Sanskrit not existed but we have a word 😂😂

    Route the video I don’t see King neither a queen

    It would have been like any person could do a war just 2 people are required……

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