A brief history of chess – Alex Gendler

Trace the storied history of the game of chess, from its origins in 7th century India to the computer software we use today.

The attacking infantry advances, their elephants already having broken the defensive line. The king tries to retreat, but the enemy flanks him from the rear. Escape is impossible. This isn’t a real war— nor is it just a game. Over the 1,500 years of its existence, chess has been known as a military strategy tool, a metaphor for human affairs and a measure of genius. Alex Gendler shares its history.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Remus & Kiki.

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%1$ Comments860

    "strong" "feemale leaders". lol, thats a laugh

    this kind of learning absolutely make history more fun to learn..not boring at all..

    Modded Chess: The chef, The Giant, The cannon, The Elf,

    I came for the history of cheese. Fortunately, I'm a chess player as well. Good job youtube algorithm, you worked this time

    Great informational video and I love the stylized artstyle!

    the invention of juicer and en passant bug

    Chess pieces have been found in ruins of ' Lothal ' — an Indus valley civilization site in Gujrat . These pieces have eerie similarity to current pieces . From 3000 BCE .

    சுஷாநாத் பாயே says:

    the history of chess killer is an old killer and now we play the chess with the bot so we kill the bot with the plug so the logic is chess is an fun game and an dangerous game and it could be an genius game to get an reward like stone paper shisser

    Can we just appreciate the opening animation? It was amazing!

    Now I realize why in Arabic we still call the queen the adviser and the bishop the elephant

    Well that’s a coincidence. In 1997, an IBM computer defeated a player at chess, but in 1968, the movie 2001: a space odyssey displayed a computer known as the HAL 9000 computer beating astronaut Dave Bowman on a game of chess, foreshadowing the technological leaps that would come for computers AND chess.

    I love playing chess but no one wants to play with me.

    The disturbed physician spatially announce because call regretfully bury until a spotty hurricane. level, well-to-do snake

    قناة الإسلام الحق في عصر الجاهلية المعاصرةIslam says:

    Islam is a religion that calls to the worship of God, the One, the One, who has no partner, the King, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and the last of God’s messengers to people after the Messenger Jesus, son of Mary, after the Gospel was distorted. Reckoning and resurrection after death and Islam is the religion of tolerance and it is firmly established in the lands that have been conquered because it came with mercy for people and the light Islam and the Qur’an illuminate the heart and the pleasure of eternal happiness that does not end Islam is the religion of God and whoever does not enter Islam will not enter Paradise. You must read the Qur’an to learn what is in it and ask God for guidance The path of truth, and to know that you were not created in vain

    You can't have a video about chess history without mentioning bobby Fischer…..sorry 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Kasparov's 1997 defeat was more down to overconfidence than lack of ability. It wasn't until the late 2000's that Chess programs gradually began to fully surpass human ability, with the rise of programs like Shredder, AlphaZero and Stockfish.

    The image at 4:08 is wrong. The checkmate in the Immortal Anderssen Game was made with a bishop, not a knight. Besides a knight cannot mate a king in the position shown in the video

    Yes, strategy games. We love strategy games.

    in indian chess there is no Queen, we have a general.

    The rural makeup intraorally drown because box prudently invent opposite a gamy person. friendly, paltry mimosa

    From where I live we call the pieces:-

    In India we still call
    King- Raja
    Queen- Mantri/Wazir (Minister)
    Bishop- Oont (Camel) atleast in Gujarat State of India
    Knight- Ghoda ( Horse )
    Rook- Hathi ( Elephant )
    Pawn- Paidal ( Ground troops )

    In Indonesian 'chess' is still called 'catur'..

    And after deep blue
    A child beat the champion
    Yes you probaly know that alredy but search for highest stake chess game

    Chess would be better in france if the bishop could move absolutely everywhere on the board, maybe

    It's like saying Rugby didn't evolve from men wanting to deliver blunt forced trauma to each other on a Saturday afternoon, get drunk in each other's company as a celebration of manliness afterwards, then call it a sport to avoid going to jail for assault. Really?

    So a computer can beat the best Chess Player.. I thought I heard the opposite a few years ago that a GrandMaster can still beat the best Chess Comp;uter, but I guess things change in a few years.

    China's Go chess dated back to 5th Century BC, and has nothing to do with Chess. Chinese has another chess game, chinese chess, is similar to the chess talked here.

    You need to censor the name A***f. It is the most offensive word on Earth for literally everyone.

    It is also said that the demon king Ravana invented the game of chess and used to play with his wife mandodari.

    the name of chess game in arabic still chetranga until today

    if the prince didn't die, chess wouldn't exist

    In India
    King = Raja
    Queen = vazir(minister)
    Bishop = unth(camel)
    Rook = Hathi(elephant)
    Pawn = pyada/sipahi(warriors)

    How do you tell this wonderful story and not mention Bobby Fischer, it's like giving a brief history of basketball and not reference MJ???

    I know treadmill an torture device before this video.

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