A brief history of chess – Alex Gendler

Trace the storied history of the game of chess, from its origins in 7th century India to the computer software we use today.

The attacking infantry advances, their elephants already having broken the defensive line. The king tries to retreat, but the enemy flanks him from the rear. Escape is impossible. This isn’t a real war— nor is it just a game. Over the 1,500 years of its existence, chess has been known as a military strategy tool, a metaphor for human affairs and a measure of genius. Alex Gendler shares its history.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Remus & Kiki.

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%1$ Comments860

    how does this affect our lives?This is for a class btw

    Dude, the chessboard in “and a benchmark for geniuses,” it’s not even checkmate, or the man just resigned lol

    The invincible bay bilaterally brush because elephant psychophysically crash about a coordinated skate. fixed, workable reading

    The animation style is very captivating and vivid
    Ted ed is just amazing 👏
    Don't stop please 🙏

    The damn explain!🖤 one of my favourite game it is!

    Lime test doesn’t cry war even out of a tiny

    Chess is the most simple, complex game ever invented imo. I would dare to say it's perfect.

    There are some differences in Arabic but it’s the the same Like the bishop we call it an elephant
    And the queen is
    So you can say in Arabic it didn’t change from the original one but it’s the same playing anyway

    great vid love the content keep up great work!

    Japanese Shogi; 死。⚖⏳☠⏳⚖🇯🇵🇲🇾🇯🇵♟🧏‍♀️🧝‍♀️🔮🧝‍♀️🧏‍♀️♟🕯

    In the brief history, surely Bobby Fisher as the best player ever deserved at least one sentence mentioning. At least British band Prefab Sprout gave him a few in allegory in their song Cue The Fanfare.

    When Bobby Fischer's plane

    Plane, plane touches the ground

    Plane, plane he'll take those Russian boys

    And play them out of town,

    Playing for blood as grandmasters should.


    The bishop blushing when the queen steps in is so cute

    Excellent video. Thank you! How I love this game.

    interestingly "shahmat" word is used in terms of when one is in trouble or ruined…its interesting to know the word's history, to hindi speakers out there what word do you use for chess ? As in urdu i have heard shatranj

    The present

    Mom: stop playing all day the game is bad for you! Go play chess now!

    Meanwhile in old france…

    French mom: arrête de jour aux éches !
    c'est mauvais pour toi!

    PS: i do not speak french cuz google translate B)

    It's not called “围棋” in China, it's called "象棋“! For educational videos, there should be an editor to check the references and make sure everything is correct before you publish. As a media and educator, you have a great responsibility to make sure everything goes out is correct or correct it if you have made a mistake. Also, please respect other culture and ask an expert before you try to educate others!!!

    How does a video on the history of chess show the board in the wrong orientation??

    oh my mom is depressed over the literal fricking death of my brother the king? let's develop a strategy game!

    Thankyou India 🇮🇳for invention of chess !!!! 🙏🙏🙏

    Imagine you’re in 1000 ad and your parents tell at you for spending too much time playing chess and that you’re “addicted to that game”

    So basically, Indian chess took a stroll throughout the world and, got customized according to variety of culture and ethos, untill it got oversimplified in Europe

    Kinda disappointed in Europeans as Always;
    I wish INDIA could resurrect the "Chaturanga", just like how Go and Shogi are still intact.

    I claim the Egyptian game was the first computer ever created helping you think and solve the fist problems by an object that wasn’t living 😅

    This is the perfect example of influence,this man can’t say anything but he was inspired by the Egyptian game,this is so cool to do my own little discoveries trough YouTube lol,I’m not taking away from he’s invention just saying he was inspired by the Egyptians who were inspired by another species before them,chess is a game that has been such a genius way to grow thinking process that it has evolved with us and I have a feeling that it will continue to,you want to know what the ultimate gift to another species would be? Chess,it’s the oldest form of compact information to teach how to think,humanity at its best,the first actual computer in its own way getting updated as we grow,beautiful!

    2:20 There is a mistake: in Go pieces are placed at intersections of board.

    and then, in 1996, my mom got me an SNES with Chessmaster, and I have never beaten him. the end.

    Chess is haram in Islam because Queen doesn't wear burqa.

    2:20 – Go is a different game. The game they are talking about is Xiangqi (象棋)

    Just because you're good at a game does not mean you are a genius.

    So Beth Harmon is inspired by deep blue 🧐

    In India we call Queen as Mantri ( Minster), perhaps difficult to change Indians no matter how many thounds of years pass 😃

    If only there were variants of chess pieces,we know the medieval looking chess pieces but what if we had other variants

    im just impressed how someone thought of a game like this. its so complicated

    did you know in an ancient time someone invented a chess playing machine? but later it was revealed a man was in that machine controlling the moves all along. he beat players like napoleon and other highly regarded people

    Whoever animated this did SO good! I wish every animation was this cool looking and smoothly transitioning

    The origin of chess obviously came from the region, now known as India but even as an Indian, I would say that the other people who altered this took it to the place it is in now. So thanks to all the countries who helped in this process!

    Oldest chess pieces are from 2000 bce in India not gupta empire. 🙄

    Gupta empire was first empire to unite Indian subcontinent

    The thing they weren't even able to say India invented chess is funny and ahows how they have superiority complex😂

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