“A Chess Classic” || Aron Nimzowitsch vs Hans Duhm (1926)

Anand vs Dubov GCT2019
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Photos by Lenart Ootes
Have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚

Daniil Dubov vs Viswanathan Anand
Tal Memorial (Blitz) (2018) (blitz), Moscow RUS, rd 9, Mar-05
English Opening: King’s English Variation. Kramnik-Shirov Counter (A21)

1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Bb4 3. Nd5 a5 4. Nf3 d6 5. g3 c6 6. Ne3 Nf6 7. Bg2 O-O 8. O-O Re8 9. d4 ed4 10. Nd4 Na6 11. Nec2 Bc5 12. b3 Nb4 13. Bb2 Bg4 14. Ne3 Bh5 15. a3 Na6 16. Ndf5 Bg6 17. Ng7 Kg7 18. Ng4 Re6 19. b4 ab4 20. ab4 Nb4 21. Ra8 Qa8 22. Qd2 Kf8 23. Nf6 Qd8 24. Qh6 Ke7 25. Bf3 Nc2 26. Qh4 Qa5 27. Nh7 Ke8 28. Nf6 Kd8 29. Bg4 Kc7 30. Be6 fe6 31. Qh6

00:00 Hello Everyone!
01:40 Game Starts!
02:30 Completely New Game!
05:50 Pause the Video!
07:50 It was in this position!
10:35 Contributions!

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%1$ Comments126

    yOU bEttEr bUrn yOUr Ass And fUck yOUrsELf, And thE rEst Of yOUr EntirE cLAn fOr mEntiOning thEOLOgy๐Ÿ‘Ž
    thEOLOgy is thE stUdy Of wOrds And dEEds Of thE ALmighty mOthEr fUckin bitch.
    thE AmEricAs' fUcking phAntOm gAy gOd๐Ÿ˜
    in this mAnnEr, yOU ArE gOing dEEpEr And dEEpEr And cOnfOrming yOUrsELvEs intO idiOtry, stUpidity And hypOcrAcy, As wELL As tO mAnipULAtE pEOpLEs' pErcEptiOns.
    thE gEnUinE stUdy Of thE wOrds And dEEds Of gOd rEqUirEs An OpEn hEArt And An OpEn mind tO brOAdLy And dEEpLy UbdErstAnd cErtAin things And issUEs thAt dEmAnds A rightEPUs And rEAsOnAbLE jUdgmEnt๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’“
    EstAbLishing A rELigiOus sEx, Err sEcts is jUst A big fUcking bUsinEss!๐Ÿ‘Š
    rELgiOUs idiOts ArE jUst AftEr thE mOnEtAry gAin Using thE nAmE Of thE ALmighty mOthEr fUckin bitch, yOUr fUcking phAntOm gAy gOd.
    yA'LL fOOLing yOUr gOd by Using his nAmE, hEncE yOU dOn't LivE by his wiLL๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    yA'LL ArE Using yOUr fUcking gAy gOd's nAmE As A shiELd tO cOvEr yOUr grEEdinEss And wickEdnEss, spEciALLy yOU LOUsy-LAmEdUck AmEricAns.
    LEt mE EnLightEn And EdUcAtE yOU idiOts๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸคŸ
    whAt is thE LOgic Of crEAting A pArAdisE insidE thE EArth, whiLE yOUr fUcking phAntOm gAy gOd ALsO crEAtEs/ cLOnEd thE mOst briLLiAnt And mOst hAndsOmE AngEL in thE pErsOnA Of hALEL, thAt yOU rELigiOUs idiOts And yOUr ALmighty mOthEr fUckin bitch brAndEd him dEviL AftErwArds?
    dEviL yOU primitivE idiOts๐Ÿ˜…
    yOUr fUcking gOd didn't tErminAtE hALEL's ExistEncE whEn hE wAs disObEyEd And OppOsEd by him, And hE tOLErAtEs him tO sOw dEsOLAtiOn AmOngst hUmAnity. thOUgh in rEALity, hALEL Or sAtAn Or LUcifEr didn't hUrt nOr kiLL AnybOdy.
    hE's thE bEArEr Of Light.
    his immOrtAL sin, if wE cOnsidEr it A sin, is EnLightEning AdAm And EvE thAt if thEy EAt thAt fUcking mystEriOUs frUit, thEy'LL figUrE thE diffErEncE bEtwEEn thE right And wrOng.
    AdAm And EvE wErEn't AndrOids.
    thEy ArE hUmAns.
    thEy ArE fLEsh.
    thEy hAvE mALicE And OUt Of cUriOsity wOULd wOndEr why EvE hAs dELighfUL sAndwichEs whiLE AdAm hAd A mOntrOUs And inviting rOd.
    sUrELy thEy'LL fUck EAch OthEt๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ™ƒ
    whAt wOULd yOU gOnnA fEEL if fOr instAncE yOUr fAmiLy bELOngs tO pALEstinEs?
    yOUr fUcking phAntOm gAy gOd OUtcAst thE pALEstinEs whEn hE drOvE thEm AwAy frOm thEir hOmELAnd, And cOmmAndEd thE stUbbOrn isrAELitEs tO OccUpy whAt thEy Own.
    with thAt dEcisiOn irkEd thE pALEstinEs And spArks An Arm strUggLE bEtwEen thE twO nAtiOns.
    A bLOOdy wAr thAt stiLL Exists UntiL thE prEsEnt timE mArch 26, 2023๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž
    rELigiOUs sEx, Err sEcts dOn't pAy tAxEs fOt thOUsAnds Of yEArs.
    thEy ArE thE wEALthiEst institUtiOns ArOUnd thE gLObE.
    thEy OwnEd mULtipLE EstAtEs, rAdiO And tv stAtiOns, big bUsinEssEs Et AL๐Ÿ‘Ž
    pLUs thE fAct thAt thEy ArE thE mOst ListEd sEx OffEndErs incLUding Of thAt phEdOpiLE ActivitiEs๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž
    rOmAn EmpirE rULE thE wOrLd And distribUtE LAnds tO thEir friEnds And AssOciAtEs, EvEn bEfOrE thE bith Of jEsUs christ.๐Ÿ˜ฅ
    jEsUs wAs A rightEOUs And A rEAsOnAbLE mAn, nOt gOd.
    hE fOLLOw ALL thE OrdErs And wiLL Of his fUcking gAy fAthEr ExcEpt mArrying thE prOstitUtE mAry mAgdALEnE, And thErE's nOthing wrOng with thAt.
    it's rEAL LOvE.
    And rEAL LOvE shOULd bE UncOnditiOnAL๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’“
    his fUcking gAy fAthEr wAs thE brAin bEhind his ExEcUtiOn.
    yOUr fUcking phAntOm gAy gOd OrchEstrAtEs EvErything Using thE high priEst (pOpE) in AccUsing jEsUs Of bLAsphEmy, thAt LEAds tO his prOsEcUtiOn And rEsULtEd tO his cOnvictiOn, And EvEntUALLy tO his pUnishmEnt And dEAth๐Ÿ‘Ž
    if OUr LOvE OnEs ArE fAcing thE sAnE sitUAtiOn thAt jEsUs hAs, OUr immEdiAtE rEspOnsE is tO hirE A LEgAL cOUnsEL.
    UtiLizE OUr wEALth if EvEr wE hAvE, Or sEEK infLUEntiAL pEOpLEs hELp. right? right? right?
    Am ALwAys wAs๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸคŸ
    with A singLE snAp Of his fingErs, EvErything wiLL gOnnA bE ALright.
    bEcAUsE hE's thE ALmighty,
    thE ALmighty mOthEr fUckin bitch.
    bUt thAt fUcking invisibLE gOd did nOthing tO sAvE jEsUs bEcAUsE hE's nOt rEAL๐Ÿคฃ
    thEy mAnipULAtEd thE pEOpLE by sAying thAt jEsUs' dEAth wAs thEir sALvAtiOn And rEdEmptiOn?
    is yOIr fUcking gOd AffrAid Of OthEr pErsOnA whO pOssEssEs his simiLAr prOwEss?
    whErE dO yOU think hE wOULd pAwn yOU tO rEdEEm yOU AftErwArds? hUh? hUh? hUh?๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
    it cAn't bE tO A mAngO trEE nOr pAwn yOU tO A tigEr๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜„

    yOU cAn bE A gOOd sAmAritAn EvEn withOUt knOwing thAt fUcking phAntOm gAy gOd Of yOUrs.
    thE rEAL gOd is within yOU.
    yOUr hEArt's And minds divinE intEntiOns tOwArds yOUr fELLOwmEn.
    yOUr fUcking phAntOm gAy gOd hAs nO wifE.
    hE didn't crEAtE nOr cLOnEd EvEn A singLE fEmALE AngEL, And it is frOm him whErE Lgbt trAits ArE inhErits๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜„
    hE imprEgnAtE virgin mAry Using thE ArtificiAL EmAncipAtiOn mEthOd.
    fUck yOU!๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    I here now announce checkmate in 8.
    opponent: blunders. gets mated in 2 -_-

    The threat is stronger than the execution used in my games ๐ŸŽฏ

    Hi Agad, maybe you could use some IA like ChatGPT but for image, it might give you a better version of the picture of the players !
    Or some fancy version of the hoody guy ๐Ÿ˜‰

    this intro was a perfect example of agadmators dry humour

    Has agad explained on any social media what has happened to Medo?

    I wonder if Nimzowitsch knew about the Nimzowitsch Defence…

    Hans Duhm really sounds like a Norwegian-Dutch Death Metal guy. Who probably owns more than one hoodie.

    Jacques Mieses lived to a great age. There is an article on him in the book "A Chess Treasury of the Air". So did Rubinstein.

    I wish you would make another historical saga

    Aron Nimzowitsch in the thumbnail looking like a Royal Vampire Cool๐Ÿ˜‚

    Nimzowitch: "Mate in 8"
    Me: Blunders #-2 "Not so clever now, are you"

    #suggestion Reports from the 5th round of Hanover 1926 say that the pick of the games were Mieses-von Holzhausen where Mieses missed his way in time trouble, and Nimzowitsch-Antze, which was adjourned after eight hours of play in a Q+P endgame with Nimzowitsch up a Knight but Antze having drawing chances.

    They were all kicked out of Kastens Hotel reception for arguing who was the best chess player.
    The Manager said he wasnt having Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer

    I love to see a HANS get what he deserves ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Antonio #suggestion Luzhin Defense(Movie) are many games,but The final one(if you can somehow find all The moves from that game) & beside that,The beautifull check-mate sequence on the end I think it's worth to see it here on your channel.Cheers & Greetings!

    Edit: #suggestion from another movie "El Jugador de Ajedrez" – "The chess player" in english…story of a Polish GM who survived during The World War 2 thanks to German general who liked him for playing chess & taking personal lesson.If I remember well,In the begining of the movie he has a match where after Queen Sacrifice he also announced a forced check-mate(I don't remember very well the number of moves,I think was 7)! Beside that also are other games to cover;The story of film is based on the book where for real a Polish GM survived as a prizonier during World War 2 thanks to his ability to player chess(GM level) and some of the soldiers recognize him.After they told to their superior that this guy is Grand-Master,the commandor(or general I don't remember exactly what grade he has) challanged him:If GM doesn't win(draw or loose ,than he was supposed to be executed) .Fourtunately,was no problem for him to Win that game and the story go on;The novel like I said,is based on real one,and The movie is based on that book.
    One more thing to add:In the movie,our protagonist despite having the winning position on the table,was still in danger to be killed.The german general was getting uppset & still wanted to execute him.Then,our GM hero turn around the table(obviously switching the pieces for both) and showed to The general that he is not in loosing position,contrary was a forced dead draw one.

    Photo is great considering where it came from.

    Hans: โ€œthat was a rough one but Iโ€™m sure people will forget about it soon!โ€

    100 years later:

    That photo of Hans Duhm was highly suspicious. I put my hoodie on.

    Carlsen and Hikaru are the worst chess players ever. Throughout the history of chess I have never seen a player as bad as these two.

    0:30 photo caption

    "Vorstand des Honnoverisches Schachclubs E. V."

    -> leaders of the Hannover chess club "
    "EV" may indicate [something] Verein, where Verein means group.

    "Am Schachbrett [?] [name1] Edw. Karl Octa?

    -> At the chessboard …

    what looks like "stehend von links nach rechts"

    -> standing, left to right

    followed by 5 names. It's not clear what those names are, but it's clear enough that none of them are Hans Duhm

    Aaron maybe was not exactly a nice guy but what a player and theorist!

    You could say he beat him " hans dume " ( best done in Scottish accent )

    IS this thรฉ bigining of a nimzowisch saga

    Hello everyone! I am from Hannover. I'll check the Luisenhof this week!

    Nimzo (thinks,sitting down to play) Sir, your going to meet your name.

    In some ways, these pre-engine games are much more enjoyable because you get to see the genius of the players unvarnished, and the mistakes are simply a miscalculation, not that someone forgot a memorized move order

    Humiliating the opponent then: "mate in eight"

    Humiliating the opponent now: "teabag"

    fun fact : if you close your eyes and listen you can hear hikaru ๐Ÿ™‚

    It is really true the beauty of the chess move is not in appearance but in thought.

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