A Chess World Record

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%1$ Comments380

    This bot supposedly plays the worst moves possible and it isn't even playing THE COW. Faaake bot

    this kind of feels more impressive than any other chess achievement I've seen

    Funny enough, M7 is one of the only M/number combinations that’s not a BMW

    I like that the bottom right corner was just a storage container for the excess queens

    seems weird worstfish would allow this to happen, by placing the bishop where he did.

    In losers chess the rule is you must take right ? Like in checkers

    You win by losing, can you lose from worstfish?

    You're atm the only YouTuber I consume, I use your content when I get a break from the job and before sleeping, thanks for the hard work and entertaining me❣️

    the problem with WorstFish it is that it is trying to find the best move for the opponent, which is different than trying to force the opponent to checkmate you

    Any comment on when I paired Gotham Bot with Andrea Botez bot, Gotham AI Jr lost. Someone needs to look into that and fix the bug.

    as a person who plays with time, the bot could've waited till the timer ran out

    Bro today I just beat my dad in chess because I sacrificed THE ROOK and I only had a queen and a king and I remember watching your guide on how to mate with only a queen. You taught me so much about chess ♟️

    I think the problem with WorstFish is that it assumes its opponent will make the best moves, which isn't always the case.

    +103 is the most material advantage possible, white still has a pawn!

    This game should be in a museum or a movie or something

    You know how is it more chess games than atoms in the Universe? Well, this is on of them

    This is insane… I hope this gets taught to beginners as a shining example of human ingenuity

    We need a chess bot that tries to force you to checkmate it. And then see what happens when that bot is pitted against worstfish

    it needs one hell of a genius to fail that hard infact even a gm might not be able to find the best losing move

    Okay okay, lets take this to the next level: what about 2 humans playing with the objective to lose/force the other player to checkmate themselves.

    Was this the desired result of the match or is this a match where you accidentally beat the worst way to play chess at its own game.

    I think worstfish still has a lot it could learn from me

    Losing to the worst AI is actually winning


    I feel like I can play worse than the worst AI

    Now I want to see a tournament where the objective is to lose. To see how players would try to lose against each other in creative ways to force their opponents and draws/stalemates do not count.

    I now want GMs to play chess in a way that forces their opponent to win

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