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Suat Atalik vs Gyula Sax
“Sax and Violence” (game of the day Dec-02-2015)
Maroczy Memorial (1997), Szeged HUN, rd 3, Nov-16
Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical. Noa Variation San Remo Variation (E37)

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 d5 5. a3 Bc3 6. Qc3 Ne4 7. Qc2 Nc6 8. e3 e5 9. cd5 Qd5 10. Bc4 Qa5 11. b4 Nb4 12. Qe4 Nc2 13. Ke2 Qe1 14. Kf3 Na1 15. Bb2 O-O 16. Kg3 Kh8 17. de5 Be6 18. Nf3 Qh1 19. Ng5 g6 20. Nf7 Rf7 21. Be6 Rg7 22. Bf7 Rf7 23. e6 Kg8 24. Qd4 Kf8 25. ef7 Kf7 26. Qd7


0:00 Hello Everyone
01:45 Game Starts!

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%1$ Comments67

    Only move into only move into only move. What a game!


    Judit Polgar (2550) vs. Sax Gyula (2600)
    Event: HUN-ch
    Site: HUN.
    Played in 1991.
    Opening: Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer

    I immediately knew what game this was as soon as I saw the thumbnail! Thank you man

    That black queen on h1 is daemon at harrenhall

    The black queen and knight look so funny in their final positions.

    King out of pocket like that I though he was doomed! Interesting game.

    ❤Beautiful lesson and demonstration.Thank you very

    Queen attack from Black beginning of the end great offense Bishops from hell

    Agadmator — soul edition
    Agadmotor — engine edition

    Why the white queen cannot take the black pawn on H4?

    The black queen, rook and knight on three corners of the board. Beautiful ending position!

    7:39. Best "pause + solve" moment evah!
    Edit: somehow this Sax guy is ahead by a rook, he's grabbing rooks, plural, and yet it's resigns time.

    White bishop to d3 threatening checkmate. If he threatens check in return block with knight to e2. If he moves his black bishop to c4, you just take his bishop with yours. Maybe I’m wrong going in that direction ?

    Great game, thanks Antonio. Isn't there a way to turn off camera gesture recognition for good? 🙂

    I play games like this all the time and I am a player with 1 elo and 2 brain cells 🙂

    Agad with class showing us under promotion mate

    Sensational !! I have played corner rook sac many times but they are nowhere near perfect as this masterpiece

    I thought the thumbnail was of Adam Sandler.

    That was awesome…. The doom zoom and the caramel dog when he appears always gives the cherry at the top lol

    I just played an amazing Evans Gambit game if you are kind enough to review it I'll be honored 😂

    Art in motion. What a beautiful game. And to think they did not have the sophisticated chest engines that we have access to today to Easily help them with their strategm. Thank you for sharing.

    I feel like the Zoom of Terror needs to be a regular feature.

    lmao the dramatic zooms are the best thing to happen to your channel in years

    Then chess had soul, now it has engine, now it's a memory capacity competition

    It’s good to be here. I knew from the very beginning that it was going to be the start of a good friendship. 😎

    Tennis was also better with wooden rackets….

    After showing 100 lines, I love the final "it's that simple" 😂

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