AlphaZero CRUSHED Stockfish!

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%1$ Comments136

    Six years in computer chess is an eternity. Current Stockfish would beat that AlphaZero easily. The daughter of AlphaZero, LC0 ("Leela"), is almost as good as Stockfish now, and improving faster.

    I just played chess and the guy play brilliance every time he move mf cheated

    2017, the same year the Nintendo released Switch

    My favorite in chess:

    Piece: Queen 🗽
    Bot: Stockfish 🐟
    Player: Bobby fischer 🐐
    Youtuber: GothamChess aka levy rozman 🥷

    First stockfish was best, then alpha0 was best, then stockfish then alpha0 again

    All black had to do was sacrifice 1 ROOK and his queen would've been freed with NO OPPOSITION AND COULD'VE TAKEN THE WHITE QUEEN, rook move, putting the white queen in check, then white queen is forced to take, AND BOOM, DEFENDING BLACK ROOK TAKES WHITE QUEEN, AND SWEET VICTORY!!!!!

    can someone tell me one chess computer game that white didnt win, i couldnt find

    yea, but you can't run alphazero on your computer, because it runs on a supercomputer. while stockfish can run a mobile phone.

    I thought he was gonna say, "Everything changed when the fire Nation attacked"

    What if a human beat alpha? That guy would be god

    Ive put a queen in jail and it ended up me winning the game

    I thought AM means AT morning and PM means Past Morning

    They should call that move "The French Revolution"

    Put it up against Martin if you want a fair match

    Nowadays in 2023, stockfish is still the best

    Is it just me or his eyes just become more and more dead inside every video

    Actyally when i tried stockfish won
    And the third time alphazero won

    where this with headphones and watch the first part. The bass is CRAZY

    Technically the queen could escape in 6 moves if the black rook moved over to the other side, then if the king marched all the way to d8 gave more room for the queen to move, then if the queen moved to e8 and was free.

    Is no one gonna talk about how the hook of the video legit made no sense to the context of the video

    I heard there was some glitch that was exploited by a human to win against computer recently

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