AWFUL 600 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments900

    You know levy's mental health is declining when instead of a stare the video starts with him looking down

    5:16 imma be honest with you. As a certified 800, I can confirm that the reason he played Qd2 was to castle long and set up a battery.

    Watching this was more painful than stubbing three of my toes at the same time

    im one bad chess player, i dont think i could possibly be this bad tho

    I offer my negative elo matches if you ever need them xD

    i suck at chess but, why? waht in the actual hell. this match makes me feel like magnus carlsen

    God I am glad that I was never this tragically bad at chess when I started out

    I love that he didn't even say "Get out of here" XD

    I love that even Gotham doesn't think that we have the video open, and that were just listening to it.

    "unless you're also down a pawn and happen to get checkmated. In which case you're just trash". I didn't need to hear it bro.

    Just closes out the video with no further commentary. Dude come on!

    Anyone check on Levy since he got done publishing the video..?? Hope you’re well bud 😊

    This proves that people only write sticky notes to never ever look at them again

    don't worry 600's, us 400's realize your greatness.

    I feel so attacked by only finding checks 😔😭

    Chess is easy just Challange someone dumber than you

    How exactly does one raise their floor? I'm actually very curious.

    Also the start of this video was very helpful because I've been trying to learn the King's Indian and wasn't having much luck. Bg4 to pin the knight just felt like it immediately loses to h3 but I suppose I need to learn a bit more about the opening. Further, I keep on starting with Nf6 or g6 instead of d6 for some reason, really not sure why I've been doing that.

    This is just plain stupid idk how I’m not 1000 elo compared to these bots

    how do we send u game url im low elo so im tryna get a vid pls like so he sees this

    If Levi saw my games, then his hair would not just turn gray, but fall out completely.

    Subscribe he is on a road to 4 million subscribers.

    Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Negative elo chess is when you convert a completely winning position into literal checkmate.

    I feel so bad that this man has to endure so much pain and suffering just to make good content for us

    Shouldn’t have played with your food.

    Negative ELO… guess he watched one of mine lol

    Day 2 of asking to bring back guess the elo

    beautiful stare… STARES today first one was sad and showed true emotion and the ending just showed how absolutely flabbergasted he was at the game

    Oh God.. this was a frustrating watch


    Just finished 5 hours of homework and I can now finally relax and watch some good ol’ gothamchess content

    This is why you always play En passant when it comes up, otherwise thy chess gods shall strike ye down.

    Anyone know how would I send a game for Gotham to possibly make a video on?

    As a beginner this is accurate as hell and hilarious

    4:14 Is it just me or did Sagar just tried to long castle and accidentally stopped the move h6?

    Elo went form 10000 to negative real quick

    This reminds me when technoblade said

    “Bedwars is a difficult game”

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