Basic Chess Openings Explained

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%1$ Comments136

    I always thought chess was all about using your brain and being strategic, but it seems like you just have to memorize sht. Kind of disappointing, honestly.

    I’ve started playing again and I’ve really been struggling I hope this will help

    I fall apart in the middle game . . .

    The first opening doesn't account for any defensive strategies

    White Black Opening move
    1.d6 d6
    2.Bf6 Nf6
    3.c3 g6
    4.b3 Bg7
    5.Nf3 O-O

    Reply me this is my school said.

    Why is the hedgehog opening so hard to set up against an aggressive white player? I can't get the development of pawn structure for the hedgehog set up before I get attacked with the system getting disrupted into a chaotic type hodgepodge. Is there a good simple way of setting up the hedgehog getting the development formation completed before the aggressive white player interrupts your development?

    Jump ahead to minute 7 of an 8 minute video why would we do that?

    Is this the levy 2020 🙌🏿

    I just tried both of these and won each game. I feel like I'm cheating now.

    The problem is that I can open the door but someone is already waiting behind the door.

    Your subtitles don't let me see the game

    I didn't learn anything from this video

    Does the first opening have a name?

    I am exiting more confused than I entered lol.

    (That is no knock on your video presentation it was excellent. chess is just insane lol)

    watching this in 2024, u sound like a whole other human XD prefer the new ENERGETIC LEVI

    Any book recommendations on the kings pawn openings?

    What stuns me is that I’ve played all of these openings before and never knew they had names, my poppy taught me chess (rest his soul) and we weren’t very specific players but he was so good that I only managed to beat him in my teens and he’d taught me since I was around 6 or 7

    Ur too smart not to be a GM. I think u need to focus on that. It’s like being 1 semester away from getting your doctorate. U gotta finish!

    Pretty fast paced video for a beginner. I just started playing, this is so confusing 💀💀💀

    I'm still too scared to play online but I managed to finally beat Emir at level 1000 playing black and opening with the King's Indian defence. (I still managed to blunder a rook and a bishop like EVERY SINGLE game I play but still, I got the win)

    is it okay to stop castling of the opponent by sacrificing bishop in the start..

    Please remove the printout of your spoken words because I can't see row 2!

    Thank you. I'm brand new to this adventure, and your quick introduction seem like just what I need right now.

    Why does the rook kind of switches with the king at 0:58? Im trying to understand the moves asking for a friend 😂

    Bro i didn't knew levy had this nerd 🤓 get up lol😂 but his amazing

    what are these numbers you talk about? 1400, 1500, 2000?

    Thank you. New player information was great.

    He was so happy back then, I mean he propably still is but you know

    Alright, not sure if You'll read this. But the situation here is I've been stuck between 850-980 with constant winning or losing streaks in that bracket. However I feel, I'm playing so many games without actually learning anything. There's no value addition because I don't have the knowledge base, being these openings, strategies that opponents might have based on these openings and lack of endgame tactics with less pieces. All I use is observation and logic during the game. The lack of knowledge base makes me weak against tactics. But I understand now is a good time for me to watch more games, work on my theory and perform better. That's what I'm looking for, all sorts of theory and resources to improve at a post beginner level.

    Watched this and one my next game against the bot I’ve been stuck on for a few days!!🎉

    What is the name of the first opening

    I’m trying to learn chess but can’t decide which opening to use?

    I feel discomfort watching calm and composed levy

    I started playing chess 1 week ago and I'm 1250 rating in lichess. I play the london system as white, and as black, the caro-kann against d4 and the king's indian against anything else.

    Good video. Very helpful. Thanks a million.

    Just started again, been loving that French on defense, basic opening London usually and then winging it lol!

    Can you do a video on how to play against the Owen’s defense

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