Basic Chess Openings Explained
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This Levy vs Guess the elo Levy
Levy 2020: buttoned up shirt, calm, eloquent :"chat? like i'm live streaming haha"
Levy 2023: galaxy themed sweater, screaming at the camera :"Twitch say hello to Frank the F*****g Tank, Now get out of here"
I love this character arc.
I love these chess lessons each one i watch i learn something new
A few days ago I decided I wanted to understand how chess pieces move. I am 39 and have never played chess or seen anyone play chess in real life before. I even signed my daughter up for a chess extracurricular a year ago and managed to never see her play or express any interest in the game. And suddenly here I am trying to remember some of these openings and finding the fun in all of this thanks to people like you and all the others that are breaking down the game for us newbies. Huge thanx!
Do beginners ever have an advantage simply because they don't know theory and do unexpected moves?
Thanks bro
I love your videos
Hey Gotham! I played a ton of chess in local school tournaments when I was a kid but played freely and just for fun. I’m now 31 years old and getting back into chess to learn at a higher level. What would you suggest for me to do to advance forward? Currently, I’m learning to master the King’s Indian, and I’ve seen a ton of success.
Been loving your videos and look forward to continue watching!
thanks man
ur mom
Does this still work in 2023
I used to play chess quite a bit with my dad as a kid and some in high school. I got back into it when i found out my wife was pregnant. I want to teach this game to my son. Ty for these videos
Who came up with the names of these moves??🤔
My rating is 0.
I have never played a game of chess in my life.
My parents are getting old, so to keep my dad's mind sharp, I told him I want to get a professional chess-rating and I need to practice any chance I get. At the time I said it for his sake, but strangely I thought why not and I found your video. There was this gap of perspective I could not fathom about how pro chess-players thought about the game that you so simply explained. Your video helped a lot. Thank you. I will remember you as one of my teachers.
I’m wondering if by opening with the kings pawn rather than queens pawn, because I don’t know the theory I’m inviting a whole load of trouble onto myself needlessly.
In general most of my wins are described as comeback wins. And I have taken a lot of damage early on. I even have to always be alert for those embarrassing early checkmates.
However, in general my chess is not as bad as some of my silly defeats make me think I am. I’m at 650 now and got back to 670 before some silly defeats. But I can beat AI at 1400. Yet I fall pray to simple things by even 400 rated players.
Watching this has made me think that I need to stick with queens pawn. As the kings pawn is what is putting me on the defensive from the get go because it requires, according to this, more theory understanding. So I’m giving opponents an advantage before I even get going because 1- Im inviting pressure and lost peices and when playing white, I end up being the one having to react to what black is doing. 2- Im starting on ground that is my weakness because I don’t have all of the required theory down.
I'm not really to memorize openings but I'm going to use the Indian one all the time now.. but I need one for white that works all the time
You said verbatim, "reguardless how black plays, you go like this." I've every time I try playing london opening blacks knights just walk all over me.
isn't this just the London system?
If they open London and develop normally then you can do the englund gambit which goes wpd4 bpe5 wpe5 bkc6 wkf3 bqe7 wbf4 bqb4 wbd3 bqb2 wbc3 bbb4 wqd2 bbc3 wqc3 bqc1 also for clarification the first letter is white or black second letter is the piece and letter 3 and the number is the square the englund is my favourite
looks like hes being held at gunpoint
I’m trying to open my girlfriends legs, it’s not working though, she says I’m addicted to chess
My only questions are more of the concept… “why am I moving this piece here as opposed to others?”
I just got "fried livered." I'm glad I know what that attack is now.
I get destroyed at level 300, idk how!?
I keep trying and going back to my mistakes though… anyways thanks for the video!
when you realize that the London opening is technically an English opening
Should you continue with openings if your opponent has an uncoordinated opening? Or should you attack right away?
"If you're looking for relationship advice, you've come to the wrong place."
The way he actually explains ECERYTHING bro, I love that
What do you think of the king’s gambit opening?
polite levy is scary
This is what I was looking for thank you very much I'm 13 and I'm trying to get better in chess.
Ah yes when GothamChess was still a serious channel
3:28 5:38
I love how eloquent Levy is in this video, whereas, in his more recent ones he’s straight up roasting you.
Good video.
Wow video styles have changed drastically! Much better now