Basic Chess Principles for Beginners

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    Learning chess

    Pawns – the pawns can 2 move spaces

    The rook – rook can move any numbers of spaces horizontally or vertically

    Bishop – can move any numbers of spaces diagonally

    Knight – horizontally or vertically to space at a right angle

    King – king only number of one spaces

    Queen – can move any of numbers to spaces in straight line


    The rook capture by rook

    Capture protect

    The rook capture by rook has been protect by pawns

    Checkmate border

    the checkmate end the game up border 8 number or 1 number

    Use a knight and use another knight and kill every black and there only a king and you win use this every chess

    We are the same chess board and pieces

    Hello Internet, Welcome to the everything theory, the show that talks about everything, and not just space stuff. Today we are talking about the classic game, of chess. Chess theory encompasses a broad range of concepts essential for improving gameplay, including but not limited to studying opening principles, middlegame strategies, and endgame techniques. Understanding key ideas such as controlling the center, developing pieces effectively, and formulating strategic plans based on the position are paramount in advancing one's skills in the game of chess. But hey, thats just a theory, a chess theory!

    I know this without anyone telling I just learned most of chess by how my opponent do and what worked for him and my blunders still thanks YouTube for recommendation of these videos πŸ˜‚

    Thank u checkers is kinda of easy too me just need to refresh my memory

    I never castle my king because I’ve come up with at least ten ways to mate a castled king

    Instructions unclear, I am playing checkers and draughts on the Moon

    Do all that but don’t develop your pieces like that

    Bro u can only move pawn forward 1 at a timeπŸ˜‚

    𝐈 π₯𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐞π₯𝐨𝐩𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬

    By the way dont go with the pawns on e4 if the opponent is doing e6 it will also lose structure

    Ok so i learned that even you piece is under attack you have to castle your king to safety first as he did while his bishop was under attack

    Cant do the first tip cant stop doing ninson larsen attacks

    You can’t castle if your bishop is hanging

    I do this strategy everytime why havnt i won one game out of 500 games in one year ? 😒

    Aren't all beginners tired of thisπŸ˜… these move are blunt to pro tipsπŸ˜‚ you play a level 2000 and above and you'll loose definitely, this is a promise, start this way get same result

    I have one question if you put the Pawn first then they put another Pawn in front of you then you put a another legit where he can kill you pawn.

    I just love pawn😒 i don't know ahy

    at the castle at the end make sure to move pawn h2 to h3 if incase the rook is gone the enemy's queen or rook cant
    mate, because the king can escape

    Free advice: make sure that your opponent has also seen this vedio to so the game will go as planned.

    But-but- coach the bshop can be taken by the pawn coach:ohh I see ur my coach nowπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    I c4 screw d4 copy cat is the best defense stupidity

    I'm a very big beginner, but when you castle, be cautious because I've gotten cornered multiple times 😭

    But… The giuoco piano symetric game are really annoying 😒

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