Beginning Chess Concepts by Professor Hikaru

Hikaru teaches noobs how the horsey moves.


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#gmhikaru #chess #chesslessons

%1$ Comments644

    Ive been thinking about how chess relates to life constantly for the past few months. How every little move you make is either "!!" Or "??" Or just plain" ?" And how just like chess our position in life is based soley on those decisions. Maybe my position is unfavorable, i often think, but definitely not unwinnable. All i can do is keep pushing p and try to promote a queen 😂😂

    This was really helpful Hikaru, most chess videos explain long lines that most of us scrubs never see on the board. I just play for fun. I don't want to study or be referred to as someone's 'student.' The concepts you explained make sense. What a nice relaxing video. Wish you the best!

    The second game against NextHikaruNakamuraa lol. Nice try guy.

    His IQ is certainly higher than 102

    A beginner tutorial from one of the best chess players. What else do you need

    I love you hikaru. Thanks for your insight

    Is it possible to sue a barber/hair stylist?

    To be honest, if anyone else won the Norway Chess Tournament that is not Hikaru, I may have cried for Fabiano. That was negated because I was happy for Hikaru at the same time.

    Very instructive video. 🧐

    Mr hikaru, how can i be s grandmaster at the age of 16

    Thank you for this. I hit 1400 online largely because of these videos of Hikaru stepping through what he’s looking for with every move.

    I thought Hikaru said he doesn't do videos explaining beginner concepts 🤔

    I finnaly became a better chess player after watching this video.

    Please Hikaru make a separate series for chess gambits…
    Like if u agree…….

    Hikaru is way too good with the arrows and stuff.

    Beginners tutorial conducted at light speed😧

    I found myself playing chess after doing some academic stuffs at uni. Thanks for this, i'm a total beginner and plays between 600-800

    IQ cannot accurately say how smart you are. You are typically tested with nonsense figures and math and so on. This is not the way we should be tested. We should have a real problem to solve and to be tested in your specific domain of work. Like you can't compare a programmer with an architect.

    Went from 500 to 650 watching Levy, got stuck at 650 until I watched Hikaru and now I'm at 815 with a winning streak, even beating 1000 elos.

    What am I missing? At 6:50 his e5 pawn takes the opponents f5 pawn but moving to f6? How is that legal?

    Man's trying to show you how to get better at chess all they wants to know is how old he was when he became GM, aka "How to google search something"

    Anyone noticed that the video preview image goes
    ABCDEFHG rather than

    In the picture of the "clickbait" you can see on the board of the blackboard abcdefhg instead of adcdefgh. 😂

    Thank you Hikaru , This format is a very fluid and enjoyable way to learn.

    Holy crap! This was awesome! I'm ready to kick some a$$ now!

    His opponent thinking that hikaru is in thought. Meanwhile hikaaru wasting time for reading comments

    would like to see how GM turnaround a bad material or position…

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