Beginning Chess Concepts by Professor Hikaru
Hikaru teaches noobs how the horsey moves.
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#gmhikaru #chess #chesslessons
The 2nd named player in this video is absolutely insane 😂😂 9:06
Thanks for sharing
you make chess look so simple it's just beautiful to watch it.
Hikaru, thanks a lot. Waiting to see your other video for beginners!
It was so curious to hear personal info too!
Ain't no way his IQ is only 102
hikaru said the word 'very' – 648 times in a 1 hour video
i want member ship how
How do you do that arrow option.
Thx Hikaru😊
Am I tripping? How did he take the pawn at F5 at 6:49?
This is so cool.
Appreciate this, sifu
Switzerland is nice but SO boring
20:26 HDMI 🐋
I don't know chess….but nice
What he mean by gg
I could watch this ALL DAY!
At 6:50 how was he able to go e5 to f6 and take the pon on f5
This is Awesome!!
A B C D E F H G…
My rating is around 2100, but I am learning a lot from this set of games against beginners
Hikaru's IQ being 102 is just beautiful for multiple reasons. 1. You don't need a high IQ to accomplish extraordinary mental tasks. It's about focus and passion. 2. You can be talented without a high IQ. 3. Most people overestimate their IQ by a lot. 4. Hikaru is humble af and doesn't need to lie to boost his ego. Anyone would have believed it if he said 130. too funny
sooo he didn't make 50 million dollars with chess? 🙁 thatsucks
I love how the thumbnail has the g and h files switched
how pawn e5 takes pawn in f5 in 6:50?
Very calming and respectful. I find your game summaries and blitz too fast for my slow old brain. This format is perfect. Well done Hikaru 👍
Thank you for doing content like this! You're an inspiration.
Finally, a more realistic based theory. Beginners or not. Referring to playing the computer at high levels Imo simple theory helps confuse the algorithm
I have one problem as a beginner, Hikaru moves and talks too fast for me to absorb the information .
It's crazy how most people in the comment section can't comprehend En passant at 6:50
WTF A1 White
the Gucci Piano opening had me confused for a minute.
What happened to the black pawn in 6:49 wtf
I love this series!
this wasnt boring at all. I think openings are probably the biggest point of confusion for new players. I remember not knowing at all how to start a game and just played whatever piece. Knowing that there is purpose and strategy to different openings makes chess infinitely more interesting and compelling
Thank you for these videos! They’re incredibly easy to follow and enjoyable. I’m an adult now but I still remember searching up your name as a kid when I first picked up chess.
I'm surprised about the number of people asking "how come he captured the pawn" at 6:49..for your answer..That's called en passant.I hope this will help you.
6:50 wtf? how you do that?
6:50 how tf he get the pawn with the pawn??
Can someone explain wtf happened at 6:50. His pawn moved illegally sideways and took another pawn it didn't even touch. I'm so confused
why is the H and the G swapped in the thumbnail?
At 6:50 how does he take opponent's pawn, when it was clearly not diagonal to his pawn. Am I missing something here?
What happens at 6:49, he says he goes F5 but he takes on F6…
how did he take the pawn at 6:56 when the pawn moved to F5? The pawn moved to F5 but he took and his pawn went to F6?
Jesus I wish this guy would slow his talking down
how did he capture a pawn sideways? 6:48 i didnt think that was possible?
6:47 Black pawn moves to F5 but Hikaru somehow take the pawn as though its on F6. Can someone explain why? am I missing something here???
I tend to agree with Bobby Fischer.
Chess players are petty, selfish, spiteful and spineless little punks.