Beginning Chess Concepts by Professor Hikaru

Hikaru teaches noobs how the horsey moves.


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#gmhikaru #chess #chesslessons

%1$ Comments644

    Look summer (A 1/ bishops queens and knights) plus winter(A 2/Pawns,kings and rooks) equals slush zone and snowmans are just going ok to that bait

    I'm wondering what online ELO Hikaru has in mind for "new to the game." 🀣 I think I first need to learn one opening line decently before going to Hikaru's mid-game tactics.

    Can you explain a little bit slow? Im really dumb im so sorry, im really new to chess

    Its the way he is just so confident in himself,

    I heard you talking about making decisions and wanted to explain about how we can also make decisions to feel our emotions or suppress them. This has actually been helping me change my life because currently/previously, I've dedicated allot of time to playing online games, but because of making a choice to feel e.g. pain and anger types of feelings, I've identified some emotional injuries, such as the false belief that I must become strong to survive, which, if you really understand this on an emotional level, you begin seeing just how sinister that single belief shapes our current world, from sports, to the economic systems to why we go to war, all because we believe we need to compete for survival, and it's simply a lie from Gods perspective, which we've also been lied to about, since God isn't a murderer, or would ask for child sacrifices so we can be forgiven. We can choose to carry on ignoring these lies in this world, or choose to feel these fears we have of being rejected, attacked or hurt by our so called friends or family members who also don't want to face those fears of being attacked or hurt because of pointing out these lies that allow those in positions of power carry on feeling justified in taking advantage of others by using unloving behaviour to live in comforts at the cost of other people living in poverty

    It's official !! I completely destroyed stockfish right after watching this video βœ…βœ¨

    I don’t even play chess but i find it interesting just watching these videos. The amount of strategy is interesting.

    How does he move diagonally and take the pawn at 6:50 when the pawn is horizontally beside his pawn? If blacks pawn was at f4, I understand but it was at f5 so how?

    hikaru doesnt even need this video he is able to narrate and teach while he's in serious games as well

    31:46 why did Hikaru say that it is a cheese strat? i cant seem to find the sequences for it

    7:09 if you would not have this beard shadow and piched your voice a little I guess you could pass an teenager (19)

    πŸ‘ Thanks for the explanation.

    What do does "spy" mean at 53:32 ? I hear "let's go bishop to e6 attacking the pawn on a2 potentially I'm trying to spy it" but I never heard "spy" in a chess context.

    can someone explain how he took that pawn at 6:49 im quite confused

    Why are you being interviewed while teaching chess strategy?? It's very frustrating. I had to fight the urge to click off and unsubscribe.

    A B C D E F H G βœ…A B C D E F G H ❌

    how did he took f5 pawn with e5 pawn can someone explain 6:49

    This "beginners" tutorial feels advanced.

    He said his iq is 102 and I hope he’s joking because that would mean I’m a monkey

    How’s F8 checkmate? King takes, then safe no? I’m confused. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    How did he move the castle and the king at the same time?

    At 6:46 black pawn went to f5. White took that pawn but ended up on f6. That's not possible.

    What happened at 6:45 how did he eat a pawn in f5 is that like a thing ??

    the pawn move from e5 to f6 killed a pawn on f5????????????????????

    Minute 6:51. Can somebody explain me that move? Pawn just took a pawn but how???? Please answer πŸ™‚

    I had a Punjabi chess coach and he wouldn't take me on because he only trains people going professional. He showed me the FIDE Trainers' Commission list of recommended books. I bought the entire works of Aagaard, Yusupov, and Dvoretsky. However, these books are absolutely not for beginners. My coach recommended Logical Chess: Move By Move by Irving Chernev. Page 1? Giuoco Piano Game: Main Line and Centre Attack. Thanks, GM Hikaru!

    This was a cool video. I dont reslly know a lot about chess, ive just found watching yourself and magnus to be pretty entertaining. I feel like after this video i understand 2 new things that i didnt really about chess before. The importance of owning the middle of the board, and finding open lanes for your pieces when possible.

    You should start Hikaru Chess Academy… You have natural talent in chess and teaching…

    I love this kind of content, keep doing it please! πŸŽ‰


    How did you take the pawn at 6:53 when it wasn’t diagonal with your pawn?

    Next Hikaru Nakamura didn't realise he was playing with original Hikaru Nakamura πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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