Bobby Fischer Hated Chess

Hikaru gives his thoughts on the interview where Bobby Fischer explains why he hates chess.

Original video put up by Dark Knight Chess: titled Bobby Fischer on Paul Morphy and how opening theory destroyed chess

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#gmhikaru #chess #bobbyfischer

%1$ Comments160

    Hikaru is just a robot compared to Bobby, he had more creativity in his little finger than most chess players of today all Hikarus games are 3/4 theory that's why Magnus beats most players because he goes off theory and baffles players with creativity

    he wanted to talk about 960 and never got the chance

    I like Hikaru but man did virtually all of his "points" just validate what Fischer said even more.

    If Fischer Random was the go to chess game then people would study positions that come up in Fischer Random. How can he be so smart and not understand that people will study games (any version of any game) to get better.

    The Bobby Fischer audio needs to be cleaned up with AI, it sounds like they recorded it next to a fan on top of a moving train.

    Somebody should have just taught him Shogi. JFC!

    Fischer is absolutely right, similar argument has been proposed by mathematician G. H. Hardy in his book called "A Mathematician's Apology ".

    Fischer in his prime would have destroyed Nakamura and Nakamura knows it. That is why he is laughing like one of the bad boys in the back of the class.

    He’s right, chess is mostly about memorizing theory and it needs modification. I see more draws than any wins in championships with much less creativity

    To me if all the best moves of chest is identified and someone memorized those moves, they would never be beaten and if everyone can memorize all the perfect moves it will always be a stalemate and that would be the end of Chess, Fischer is making a huge load of sense here. It comes from someone who passionately love the game. Some of the best Video games do this today my continually updating their games adding new characters, contents, changing the elo, remaking the skills set of their characters and so on. Well done Fischer.

    I'm glad this video exists. It shows the stark contrast in someone who is a genuinely brilliant creative vs someone who is pretty good at computation. Hikaru is fully indoctrinated in a misguided system of competition.

    Fischer just busted the bubble of Hikaru & ppl like him by saying Chess players arent geniuses. Ofcourse, he & ppl like him would disagree 😒.

    they say bobby is insane but I agree with alotta what he says🎉

    There's a comedy waiting to be written – all centred on "closed caption" bloopers!!

    I find Chess boring as shit. 960 is tolerable, but I still get bored after a couple games. It’s stressful and takes tons of focus.

    He was angry at computers, before they were a big thing! Now they will take over motherboard and motherboard! 4:08

    Bobby was 100% right. There is wayyy too much opening preparation involved these days. The way to win now is to have enough opening prep to get to an endgame and then be really good at endgames

    Trying to understand Fischer better does not make me any less sad, I think I will just have to be content with the 60 memorable.

    Some have said that after Bobby won the World Championship, he had nothing left to prove. He was the World's #1 undisputed. But this only lasts until the next cycle…..Bobby had nothing further to win past this, but if he was beaten by another player, he would've felt less….It's a strange way of looking at the game. Magnus loses from time to time, but he's still World #1 by a significant margin regardless of who has the WCC title. Despite the historical precedent of long reigns, nobody can be World Champion forever. We have a bunch of 12 year olds rated above 2000 preparing for IM and GM norms…..I say for most players, just learn the game, improve at it and most of all just enjoy it.

    hikaru kinda lost his
    Politeness he cant ever be player like fischer

    This is the reason Magnus left classical chess, he knows

    Hikaru letting out a laugh and calling for order brings me so much joy.

    Imagine a game where both players play exactly based on some moves from computer and no imagination at all. We'll have some long games instead of exciting, unpredictable moves. Like Bobby Fischer's Be6 move in the game of the century. In that game, the move made no sense at all. But looking back, it's probably the move of the century. He did that without computers and help. Just instinctively reacting to newly developing situation.

    Fischer loved chess. Practically, the chess kidnapped him and kept him captive for many years. Think of the joy he had finding ways to defeat all the great masters of those times. Now probably, try to relive those things in today's context, these things seem a lot changed. He would not be able to relive his adventure in chess today as it was then. It is not naive, it is just very subjective.

    Technical preparation has evolve in all games, the preparation is not so so heavily dependend on computers and memorization as chess does. You missed the point Hikaru.

    "Every Game has evolved" Not all sports have been ruined by computers like chess does, you missed the point with your stupid generalizations.

    They say there is a fine line between being genius and completely insane

    The only thing that is totally new since the dawn of computers is computer games.
    We wrote words, did numbers, waged war, played chess, orchestrated music, had babies, and whatever else long before the PC or even the Babbage Difference Engine. Before computer games came along, primitive computers and calculating machines merely did chores that they excelled at, like creating logarithm tables, and doing inventory/bookkeeping work.

    But Street Fighter and Star Raiders were a completely new thing.

    That's why he created his own Chess, great Guy 😂😂😂

    Competition and meta gaming takes the life away from any game, it becomes anything but fun, that is what I believe, his point was.

    Computers are killing chess. There is not one soul that thinks the chess is more interesting now than before, maybe it is more accurate but there is not expectation for watching a tournament like before and that a lot to say since we are living in social media era where you can follow any tournament online.

    There is no creativity in chess anymore, it has become boring and repetitive with the top player playing the same openings over and over. Before top players played any openings, their creativity kept the game interesting, they used to play many different openings including gambits.

    Yeah well he's Only talking about Chess- why would he comment on basketball and finance when he was Only asked about Chess- you sound like a bitter Gen Z er who forgot that everything was built off the past- Only an.opinion- it's not worth much just as much as yours

    Why are you laughing hikaru. Fischer just can eat you in chess. You have to respect ah true grandmaster.

    Sounds like the creator of this YouTube loves pointing fingers (pedofile behavior)

    Actually the best game designer ever says:

    I think this is why lots of people enjoy bullet. Because you have so little time to think through the moves, you can do strange moves that might objectively be bad, but there might not be time to think of a counterplay, so the game state ends up in unknown territory, where intuition and talent matter a lot more than theory.

    He was the most talented. You're just jealous lol. He would crush you

    Fisher caught Reshevsky in a trap in the Sicilian based on Reshevsky's unfamiliarity with the sequence of moves leading up to it.

    Totally agree with Fischer, Chess became boring at the highest level. That why magnus didnt play the WCC.

    I disagree with Hikaru on this. So it pisses me off that he won the Fischer random title.

    If I'd play the same game a hundred thousand times, I'd be bored of it too.

    I kind of hate that Hikaru can just laugh at Fischer in this way. I'm a fan of Hikaru but it's just like he's demeaning him. Yeah the mans kind of out of it at this point and died in 2008. But it's just frustrating when you know at his prime he was best.

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