Bobby Fischer Hated Chess

Hikaru gives his thoughts on the interview where Bobby Fischer explains why he hates chess.

Original video put up by Dark Knight Chess: titled Bobby Fischer on Paul Morphy and how opening theory destroyed chess

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#gmhikaru #chess #bobbyfischer

%1$ Comments160

    Hikaru proved Fischer right. Once again completely oblivious to anything others are saying around him.

    This has huge “old man yells at sky” vibes

    Modern GMs would fuckin smash guys from his era. Gary is the only old head who can still hang.

    Also, Magnus is exactly what he’s saying he wants. Magnus wins with suboptimal openings all the damn time.

    Actually he was just a normal guy like not like a guy people talking who gone mad. He was just done with chess one for all not like Hikaru Nakamura and others. His just perspective changed towards games and its effect. Simply he stopped caring about chess and we shouldn't force him such a thing to it again 🧠🧠🖤🖤

    Nakamura i like you chess, i wish you the better for 2025, but i'm sorry , Fischer is the best champion un the history, Carlsen don't can to win un clasic chess vs karkajin and Caruana , Carlsen is bad , don't have good chess, i'm sorry ,

    Fischer is correct. If you disagree, even a little bit, you are wrong.

    Lots of people in the comments saying "wow… what a genius even outside of chess." Bobby was a Hitler loving nazi who despite being born to a Jewish mother hated Jews so much that when people questioned him on it he'd say he'd show them his uncircumcised dick to prove he wasn't Jewish. He wasn't a super genius, he was a sad, racist, unstable man who was also really good at chess.

    I remember when I quit playing Starcraft 2 competitively, I felt that I reached a plateau where my skill and mechanics and creativity couldn't improve much, but I had to constantly practice openings and countering enemy openings, I had to remember tons of tiny details, exact build orders and time stamps and the learning was never-ending because the meta kept changing. I just remember realizing one day that improving at this game becomes from this point onward is more of a studying chore than a pastime entertainment.

    Boby fischer is basically right to say that memorization and computer kill the creativity. That is what actually happening right now, players memoriza everything and prearrange this is not chess about. More importantly Boby didn’t say that creativity is all gone but it is fading away. I don’t count this as an improvement for the game and I do not understand how Hikaru can. That is why right now some players refusing the play classical game because it is more and more becoming a memory game.

    He looked like Zeus, or even God himself, as he aged.

    Bobby have a point
    Chess is about Theory/Plan/IQ/Logical thinking and creative
    The opening you copy from other to make yourself stronger than is kinda unfair I guess so that why Bobby hate chess

    sorry but your counterarguments are as lousy as chess

    4:35 the nervous laughter when someone questions your way of life effectively

    2:49 the face when someone questions your status quo and way of life…

    Hikaru trying to argue about talent saying that computers in chess are the same thing as Curry shooting threes?

    i like H but i think BF in his prime would crush him. and hard.

    160iq bobby´s opinion vs 102iq hikaru´s opinion

    He makes sense to me. Chess evolved into more of a mainstream game where it did get harder, tougher and he hated to lose…and I feel like he almost got bored too….
    I think if he taught students it would of kept him busy

    Making a great move in chess or having a great game is memorable. I remember beating a guy in a bar in college in front of a bunch of people…I beat him because I studied and played a lot kind of making his point valid…I wasn't creative about it I studied the moves to win

    I would not say that he is uneducated. To me he seem like advanced calculator machine who understood where does this leads eventually. He implies that It stopped being a game at his level.

    This guy is the greatest chess player in history, if he had todays computer he would beat anybody

    Big fan of Hikaru but this clip shows Hikaru is not at Fischer level yet. Yea everything gets better, like physics, if Newton comes back, my knowledge is better than Isaac Newton, but Physics is open-ended. Same as basketball and other things. But chess is a game based on rule, which by design computer is much better at. Fischer realised this point, like why would you try to mimic a task a computer is good at by memorising all the openings. That would just be two dummies in front of chess boards. It is almost like the reverse of Chinese room paradox

    Everything is reaching it’s peak so much faster now days, because of technology. We are evolving by the second.

    I's true though, theory makes the game boring, because the most prepared player who spent more time memorizing it is more likely to win, but the better chess player would be the one who always has the better position. But then again as the number of games people play increases, there would be natural memorization of positions, so either you can learn theory from a book or play hundred/thousands of games. better to save time reading a book than playing thousands of games

    How is fischer"acting like only chess evolved "?? He was asked about chess so he's answering about chess.

    He was also a nazi so who cares what he wanted/thought

    No, not every game is getting harder in the world. Some games got harder by the core attributes getting more advanced, but it's still the core attributes people have to get better at. Like running faster, shoot the ball better, dribbling better. But that's part of the fun.
    I don't think anybody started playing chess because they like to memorize things in text books, because chess is probably the least efficient thing to memorize if you want to memorize things. Go memorize a medical textbook.
    The fun of it, like any other board game lies in mental duel between 2 individuals. The same goes with checkers, cards, even online gaming. The less creativity, the less fun. The more simple and constrained the game, the less creativity in total one can have in the game. So to a point, playing chess is not about creativity game, it's about memorization game, it changes the purpose of playing it entirely.
    Monopoly is fun is because you can't really calculate what's going to happen with the dice, it's all trade and creativity, that's why gambling is a lot of fun as well.
    The purpose of finance and market is about making money. The purpose of chess, as a game, as a hobby, the purpose is to have fun.
    You can say that the top players play to win, play for fame, play for money. But none of those things would matter if less people play the game because it's not fun anymore.

    Nothing funny to laugh about it.

    Computer engines have ruined the game.

    I thought he went crazy or something, but he seems like a very reasonable old man with a super good point.

    Look at the championships, it's mostly about theory now, that's nothing interesting.

    this makes me think about people who wanted games to have DLCs in the 90s and I kinda empathize with him

    what we asked for is not what we got

    This is why being good at chess doesn't mean you're smart.

    i think you're strawmanning here. he never said chess was the only thing, afaik. also, it's not true that all games are the same. there are games out there that are still dominated by talented people and it doesn't matter how much theory you know you will get smoked by raw talent.

    I actually agree with GM Bobby Fischer 🙂

    Hikaru shame on you laughing of a senile old man talking. Do you know something about mental health???? Here is where you terrible blunder.

    based bobby understood the world in such a profound way

    It may have become a memorization game which is a skill (rmebeebr the brain is. A muscle) but it always feels good to win

    I thought hikaru is smart, guess he's just a dumb guy who could not understand the mind of a genius.

    Fischer is thousand times better than u!!

    As a gamer, fisher is spot on. The reason why we play games is because of the fun of chaos, not the monotomy of order. We play games "because" we do not know what to do in it, and the excitement of exploration into possibilities is what drives us. To find out if we can find our own solution.

    Even though this is what i think, i still like chess. Because its like my own test to see if i can achieve in it. The possibilities is my own success in a game i for some reason cant win at currently.

    Bobby Fischer: I do not consider myself a chess genius.

    But a genius who chose to play chess.

    Ngl they got us in the first half

    He also played in a time where so many new openings and lines had never been played before. Today everything has been played at least once

    What a shame to see over and over again… Not only this video, but a lot of other private stuff of him… That even if he was a great player and even a World Champion, he was such a D¡Kk

    He hated chess so much that he dedicated his whole life to it and became a legendary world champion 🏆….

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