Bobby Fischer Hated Chess

Hikaru gives his thoughts on the interview where Bobby Fischer explains why he hates chess.

Original video put up by Dark Knight Chess: titled Bobby Fischer on Paul Morphy and how opening theory destroyed chess

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#gmhikaru #chess #bobbyfischer

%1$ Comments160

    The difference is chess is a game and not a physical sport. And the fact that they played all that theory stuff and he beat Boris just by switching up his opening, the idea the chess community had that it is disrespectful to not make certain moves and accepting only certain openings.

    He sacrificed his younger years. He lived like a monk in youth. For what. He proved that he was the best of his time. But he lost love family moments everything that is worth in life. Because he had to do it all by himself. There was no computers in his time. Just him and a chessboard.

    The exact things Bobby is saying about creativity not being primary in being good at chess, is exactly why I can't seem to find any conclusion, other than that the long term pursuit of becoming good at chess is mostly pointless. I appreciate the comments about how studying for chess is like studying for finals, good comparison.

    I studied chess from kindergarten to about fifth grade and was very good, but then it stopped being fun and I realized that if I wanted to keep competing in tournaments I would have to spend a lot more time studying openings, endgames, and all that other stuff. It frankly just became no fun anymore, and I hated losing to these cocky kids who were just more willing to grind through positions and memorizations.

    Very glad I didn't devote any more time than I did to learning chess at a competitive level, though I have had some spontaneous fun playing chess with friends in later years.

    Hikaru didn't understand the point of what Fischer was saying.

    it's so sad to watch my idol struggling to speak like that

    He made the biggest move of all time he just desapeared

    All chess at some point reach a position where it’s a new chess game though…. That where the natural skill takes over. But I agree old chess was more fun….. you saw more interesting openings like gambits etc….. modern tournaments and kinda boring in the sense that it’s ruy Lopez Italian dominating the scene and most games are just a big draw fest. I wish we had more “fun” openings being play like the kings gambit queen gambit goring gambit etc…. Which is why old chess was fun because those openings where played at the high levels before the advent of computers

    Can someone orchestrate a game that ends in a zugzwang with a pawn that promotes to a horse using AI? I think that would be epic. You can choose the protagonist and surprise me.

    If Carlsen says anything bad or laugh at Fischer ,u will hate him alot,,and u will say he dont respect chess legends. But if Hikaru does that,its ok

    Face it, chess is like life… nonsense… yet it is a good cope.

    The real question is: "are you the masturbator?"

    fischer is right, chess at top level is bored, that's why i enjoy playing without knowing theory or at least not have being studied it beforehand.

    What i can say is that Chess since computers came really changed the way we learn chess. All we do is set the board and start analysis, getting the best moves and memorising the attacks instead of just starting to think what could be wrong, not learning anything pretty much, just memorisation of mating patterns.
    Other things, indeed instead of focusing on what’s on the board we learn openings and then in the middle game just blunder everything and if the opponent plays a different move than theory we just blunder pieces and get frustrated instead of having fun and trying our best to take advantage in the position.

    Fisher random is great, i’d totally like if chess turned into that since there’s where you actually train your mind and not just plain put memory into use.

    But I really do agree that fischer random is better than the old chess

    The whole GOAT thing is just incorrectly proposed question. You try to compare incomparable things. It's just as illogical as trying to compare Caesar with Obama. What you can compare is the difference between the player and second best player at the time, but it doesn't make any sense, you can't say they were a better player based on it, because the value of difference is itself changing. Carlsen's 50pts diff isn't any less than 400pts diff back then. Because better player is just a wrong category to propose here. You can only compare players whose careers happen within +- same timespan. Carlsen x Nepomniachtchi is a correct (to certain extent) comparison, Carlsen x Fischer is incorrect. People, stop trying to find a GOAT, it doesn't make any constructive sense.

    I would love to see tournaments switch to Fisher random. Forget the books, forget what you have learned and just play chess. 😊

    You are the living embodiment of what he’s trying to say

    Bobby nejlepší Šchachista světa na věčné časy…😊

    "The greatest thing since puffed weed" – bobby fischer

    Of all the creative lines fischer played, that one was the most unexpected

    But there are no robots or supercomputers to beat humans in baseball, basketball, football, or track and field. I don't see the pleasure for human players knowing during every game that there are many engines that play at a 3500 level plus or minus a hundred points. Chess is especially harmful to young people who tend to obsess about it. The young should learn a real skill like math, woodwork, metal work, a foreign language, etc etc etc. Paul Morphy was right: "The ability to play chess is the mark of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life."

    The ultimate proof in what Fischer is saying is the fact that computers now crush human beings.

    Gotta agree with Fischer. Most sports don’t have a ceiling, and none of those sports can be solved by computers. Yes you can have a robot play football, but its play won’t end up revolutionizing human play. And one day computers will have found every possible game, and Fischer saw that and decided to let them do that and moved on.

    He would've loved Magnus's play style. Drag them to the deep waters as soon as possible

    One of these guys when talking about super geniuses , and on what there known for.."here's the problem on what he's talking about.." ..

    i feel like fischer was the cautionary tale that morphy warned us of

    Hikaru, what fisher means is that he’d much rather hangout with creative loving ppl, not egomaniac chess players
    Also fisher is cooler than u

    I have a feeling that hikaru just wants to make himself feel better by apparently trying to make fun of fischer, one of the greatest chess players
    I think that's just really lowly.

    If you have to memorize and depend on theory, you are not really playing. You are playing what's already been played before. You are replaying

    Incredible story, that's probably why there's 2 movies of this guy .. You are not only very talented in chess , you seems to be a super nice guy also

    Bobby Fisher best ever all time champion all the time

    Mocking the best chess player to ever exist, seems…… wrong

    what kinda point is saying that computers also changed other sports? what does that disprove?

    he's right though, memorizing stuff or making metas ruins most games. Look at GeoGuessr speedruns for example, it was fun when GeoWizzard was doing it because the game was about your geographic knowledge and logical thinking / making connections. As soon as all the meta stuff came, it got ruined a bit because now it's mostly just a matter of learning to recognize the fking mirror on the car or the bollard on the side of the road. And the same goes for chess. Ideally you should both start out with a completely randomized but equal position, and go from there. So you actually have to play chess instead of ruining it for everyone and memorizing everything. It's just so lame

    Dear @GMHikaru thanks for uploading this.
    Now I have the evidence, that Bobby isn't dead. He is just on the way to another galaxy.

    Bobby Fischer sounds like one of them Hardcore Gamers with 9000+ hours clocked into a video game that are like:" 1/10. Absolute Garbage , don't waste time on this, the community sucks, play Animal Crossing instead…"

    Pretty curius this guys like Paul Murphy, Carlos Torre or Fischer himself sudenly want to diaspear from chess tournaments

    I agree with everything (and every political opinion) this genius said

    I disagree with Hikaru and think that Fischer nailed it. Chess, unlike finance and other games, is a determistic and fully observable game. It is like Tic Tac Toe but bigger, in that it will be SOLVED one day (at least theoretcally but I belive practically) and no one will play it again then. It is better to enhance it now with randomness / latent variables than to let it die naturally.

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