BREAKING: Madness Carlsen RAGING Over Chess Final
BREAKING: Madness Magnus Carlsen Absolutely RAGING Over Classic Chess Final with Alireza firouzja, a Champions Chess Tour Event that had it all. Amazing chess final and epic cjess from Alireza firouzja and Magnus Carlsen. Carlsen pure rage in this one!
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#chess #carlsen #magnuscarlsen #epicchess
Another Epic Cometary
Your style of commentary is very entertaining
This chess uploader really clickbaits and is so desperate for views
Wow Alireza in a comfort zone with this time format a big difference performance wise people talk about the pressure players have facing Magnus but Magnus himself must be under so much pressure since everyone almost always expects him to win all the time which he pretty much does to be honest I like seeing other players get the spotlight Magnus is the Best still have to respect other GMs also tremendous skill Thanks for the Game James enjoy your day
Drunk Magnus would have been fine. Instead, Hungover Magnus showed up.
Finally, a chess video that isn't clickbait. Things were actually breaking.
Was waiting for this video! Our boy Guccireza is BACK!!!
he's just like me!
So we cannot say that he doesnt care then. I do not condone violence however. I presume all elite players have access to the top therapist since chess is so stressfull and can be so frustrating Thank you for the share.
Ah yes. The sea ships gambit. Brilliant refutation by Alireza
Damn tough way to lose 30k
Just watching your vids i have upped my game i beat my first 2700ai. I was playing black 🎉
"Prawn to Sea Ships" lol goodness
I watched it live, great game, congratulations to Alireza! Great commentary, as always.
Not even Queeg 500 could beat that commentary!
Do Not chit …😂😂❤
Epic Chess is my favorite chess channel way under rated
I Love Your English
Hieh= Here
Skueh= squer
Pl eye ,= Play
Öpen Open ❤😂😂😂😂
Great vid ta. More sponsor stuff please, saves me watching the chess.
Tfw you whisper "fianchetto" and realise everyone's laughing at your noob blunder.
When was this played?
Breaking as in hotel furniture. Raging Bull. How can somebody in the Loser's Bracket win? Oh well, thems the rules.
Magnus Carlos
Magnus throw it 2 times. He had it. He just messed up. Maybe to much vodka
Congrat to Mr. FIROUZJA ❤
Magnus went full tilt today
prawn to sea ships. hehehehhe Magnuts Gnarlsen playing on tilt and making normal human moves for once.
Thank you for trying to make Chess exciting. The movie really helped for a while and then there was the scandal but it's kind of dying down. Folks like you make Chess worth revisiting from time to time.
Magnus, let me give you a lesson in how to rage. You looked happy at the end to me.
Thank you mister dantdm
I'm glad to see this. If not he's not enough invested.
Magnus is great and all, but I was glad to see someone else get a win. Alireza deserved it.
Famous loser alireza
it was post game 4 though, not the third, magnus was up 2-1 needed a draw, lost the fourth game, lost the first armageddon with white, lost the second one with black.
Epicchess where did u get that brown board from at 2:59? If i may ask
Awesome Analysis!! Magnus Carlsen is a "preparation Fraud". But (Bobby Fischer, Paul Morphy, and yes Alireza Firouzja) , all think their moves on the Board!! That's why all the (latter) three are great tacticians and Magnus is not.
Something so satisfying about seeing Carlsen lose his shite, Niemann style…. He did all his usual stuff, late to the computer with his usual nonchalant hubris, and Gucci pulled one over on him. Beautiful! I reckon that 30k will be spent on a handbag so Gucci can travel the world collecting all the Carlsen fangirl’s tears 😂
This was insane. Alireza is so tricky
Knight beat dee 7
What an incredible bad loser Carlson is, just shocking.
What a petulant pathetic child… i dont care his the goat thats just disgusting behaivior, Kasparov is worse, even fisher was more gracious, and he is completely bonkers
i think it would be better to place the sponsor at another point in the video, at the climax of the game most will skip
how do you prevent cheating in this sort of game
to me chess are meant to be played offline
Sea Ships thats passed by the Knight
Really distatsteful for it to be called classic… term should be reserved for otb 90+
Magnus has the hump cuz the 30k was his stake in tonight poker game 😀
I'd be interested to know their comparative performance ratings in this game. At this level, it seems like playing as white is equivalent to being up a bishop.