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%1$ Comments84

    I know that you have many followers now and you might not give a ** of what a single viewer will say, but clickbaiting all the time is lame. Please stop doing it. If you cannot find a proper title, ask a friend for help or chatgpt or something. I know that your target audience find this funny but just hear a different voice here.

    the one thing gotham doesn't realize, is that at the lower levels, at least at my level (800), it feels so much better to skip mate to brutally take every possible thing first

    Both so scared of hanging their queen that they agreed to a draw- truly metagaming, they know they're bad

    everytime the title is bye im quiting chess and stuff and evertime i fall for that

    How come I play in the 500 level and almost everyone has 80% accuracy and Gotham always shows games you cannot believe exist 😂

    I'm 500 Elo and don't get games like this 😅

    I hope there are better options than having a sponsor that sells chopped up cows that didn't want to die

    I get how this isn't clickbait the tittle of the game is 500 elo battle made me QUIT, that's why he uses the thumbnail

    I like seeing someone besides me make bonehead moves.

    I have a question for you but I can’t message on insta so I hope you see this. I want to get good at knowing which squares are which just by looking. I’m fascinated when you can call out squares so fast. I’d love to be able to know the names better than I do. Any tips for getting this down? Is there a trick you used to remember them easier?

    Bros routine is:
    Wake up

    Levy is never going to make clickbaity Videos

    really funny game. haha. a slugfest as you say.

    Bro may not be a grandmaster at chess but he sure is at clickbaiting 👑

    POLAND Mentioned🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪🔥🔥

    No matter what the title is, you know it's clickbait and has a great chance to feature Magnus.

    Iam chinmay nice to meet you call me venom😂

    This game was so insane it made Levy quit again… Before he comes back to say he quit in the next video

    God DAMN Levi, not only clickbaiting us but then flashing the sponsor all over the video

    Gotham clickbait’s more than our government💀

    this is how blitz is supposed to be played.. no thoughts just moves… what is brain?

    Now officially, Levy can't ever quit. Well, unless he becomes GM of course 😂

    Imagine if one day Levy actually quits but people will think it's clickbait so they don't bother

    if you checking to see if Gotham quitting its just a clickbait and an awesome video .

    This was a competition on who can blunder more

    He wasn't staring right at the camera at the first frame of the video which terrified me.

    And they agreeeed to a draw, that killed me AJJAJAJAJA

    Please never do that again. No one wants to watch a 500 vs 500 elo game. No matter how dumb it is..

    alright i'm unsubscribing the clickbait needs to stop

    If you wanted to make a balance for 500elo chess could you not just reverse prediction values in the database? e.g, The worst move is rated as the best, and the best move is rated as the worst.

    As he was analyzing the game, he almost blunder the queen on a5

    why don't you make SCC recaps ? like before . That was amazing

    bro chill out with these titles you dont need clickbait to gain views

    I knew it was Levy clickbait, but I had to click anyway.

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