Can I Beat EVERY Chess Bot in 30 minutes?

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%1$ Comments583

    Speedran so hard he lost 10 minutes from the title time

    So Ludwigs next stream is going to be chess speed running i guess

    Day 6 of asking GothamChess to use music in his videos

    Is this gm training that I should start doing?

    Would love to see the intermediate and advanced bots too, great video 👍

    I love how Nobody is talking about the time Levy called a bot a monkey ☠️

    3:55 “That’s a free queen, you absolute monkey” – Levy at his finest

    Love this content style, consider adding background music like Ludwig

    i played martin in m own speec run and it was a 60 move game where he played an 89.7 percent accuracy

    At 12:36 hes just like develop, dont rush while premoving his development😂

    Me hearing 'kotal kahn' not 'coral carn' 😂

    you in a real pos because there subed to you

    What a terrible video. Your channel is dying and this is proof of it.

    I did the same the other day, I'm only 800 in daily but I managed a time under an hour, I was just doing it for fun so I didn't count.. if only I could convert my chess skills against bots to real ppl in rapid

    Do this challenge again but without a queen.

    Alternate title: Levi is malding while playing beginner bots

    Develop, not rushing.
    Proceeds to promove 3 moves into the future

    One time I played Martin and he had a BRILLIANT MOVE LIKE WHAT 😮

    Dear Mr.Rozman, If its possible can you make a video with the chess bot: Noam (2200) in it. He wins from me every day. I love that bot. But he take the blood underneath my nails. Kind regards.

    I can confirm that snap chats bot can NOT play chess

    It isnt a real speedrun unless You stream the run

    Pls stream it

    Bro trash talking a bot ….like bruh

    Levy absolutely roasting chess bots while sometimes being impressed by them is hilarious and amazing!

    "Taking our time"
    premoves 3-4 times in that sentence

    It said 15 when you first uploaded, why the change of all the titles immediately after uploading?

    Dude why the spoiler the video is 20 mins long the of course you could beat them in less 30 mins

    I saw your shirt, and now I won't rest until I've devoured a huge strawberry blancmange.

    and i thought i was the only one trashtalking these bots.

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