Can I Beat EVERY Chess Bot in 30 minutes?

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%1$ Comments583

    Love this. Definitely do the intermediate and advanced bots

    850 bot to the other: "bro thinks he's Hikaru"

    I thought it says 15 minutes why does it say 30 minutes…?

    you should submit this speedrun to SGDQ… i bet people would love it and it would expose your content to millions of new people potentially!

    Seeing that the video is only 20 minutes long kind of spoils it.

    Can I Beat EVERY (beginner?) Chess Bot in 30 minutes?

    any bot over 500 and under 700 will either

    a: fall for fools mate sooner or later
    b: hang checkmate in 8 (if you're lucky a 1350 elo bot can do this, from experience anyways) via e4 d5, exd5 Qxd5, Nc3 Qe5+, Be2 Qg6, h3/h4 (for some reason) Qg2, Nf3 Qxh1, h5 Bh3, Bf3 Qf1 mate

    not even kidding, I've seen many 1k elo bots fall for that 8 move mate

    You should've added 10 minutes of dead air to make us wonder.

    Click bait is hitting hard with this one i don't know why but he puts more click bait titles but this one hits more because it's a bit of truth

    8:45 "oh two can play at that game you bozo"
    idk why I laughed so hard at that

    fun fact martin is good at quenns in, april fools

    Much more entertaining than I thought at first

    The fact that the vid is only 20 min kinda gives it away lol

    Only won Martin cause he wasn't playing black smh

    You should've put beginner in the title. Straight clickbait

    actually a fun speedrun! would love to see more chess players do this. Maybe a Magnus run?

    Awesome video. I really liked the take of speedrunning chess. I really love speedrunning so this kind of content is a bless for me xd.

    I find it funny how he consistently loses time due to bewilderment.

    why does levy look like a Chihuahua, every time i see him it reminds me of that.

    “That’s a free queen you absolute monkey.”

    GothamChess 2023

    You made me love the Vienna. Vienna is so smooth yet ambiguous, could be Art could be trash, always adventurous. You made a very crystal clear, scholar used of it here. I'm definitely sticking to it. (a poor 1000 or so ELO)

    Gotham my man! We need more chess bot content !!

    My favorite part is when elani said that he fell for it while losing her queen

    Is levy racism he said to Fabian bot you monkey ?

    I haven’t watched the video yet but since this video is 20 minutes I’ll just assume you did

    Some of these insults gave Romulus from Succession vibes.

    I beat the 1600 bot for the first time last night. Gave me two brilliant moves in a row. First time I ever got that too. It was awesome. Usually I'd just play 1000 or 1100 bots and try out different things. Because I'm 700 blitz. Lol

    Since when do Martin and Wayne play the wayward queen? It's like they're Nelson.

    Having splits for every bot would be nice!
    Can cheer for a "new gold on Martin"

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