Can I Beat EVERY Chess Bot in 30 minutes?

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%1$ Comments583

    clickbaity thumbnail, please do better next time.

    Levy is literally roasting 500 rated bots is the funniest thing ever.

    You should play Martin but you can't take any peices

    my least favorite in quite some time. Still a good one, but not as amazing as your other content.

    Seeing Gotham butcher rheir names is the best part of the video🤣

    Wow this idea is pretty cool. U can definitly get 15minutes on the begginers

    23 minutes for intermediate I think

    Levy trash talking bots is the best day of my life

    PLAY THE OLD BENONI GOOD OPENING FRFR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how to make AI conquer earth speedrun :

    The poll: 15 minutes
    The title: 30 minutes
    The video: 20 minutes

    Well YouTube spoiled the video already

    My favorite quote from a GothamChess video so far: "Why hasn't he hung his queen yet?"

    how did he win against Martin ???
    he's hacking for sure

    Bruh this video is so funny. Do more stuff like this

    Ladys and Gentlemans it is with great pleasure to inform you that this Code and Data was highly entertaining

    Hey Levy, we all know you did it in less then 30 minutes, cause the video is 20 minutes long, so maybe for the future you should make a 30 minutes long video for a 30 minutes challenge.

    All bots hang their queen at one time,

    including Levy

    I like the speed runs where you are educational as your going through the ranks I think another series like that would be pretty fun and learning from you is always nice

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