Can Magnus Carlsen Win A Chess Game WITHOUT Knowing The Pieces?

We’ve got a new challenge for Magnus Carlsen, and this time he has to play chess against GM David Howell WITHOUT knowing what piece is which!

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%1$ Comments394

    Now we need one color chess with airthings pieces

    This is a cool premise but why does it need to be a giant board lmao

    He could actually play without looking at the board. In his mind ,😐 I mean .come on 🥴🧠

    Magnus could win a chess game if he had checkers pieces

    magnus in head: Yeah, it was my 3452nd game on lichess

    that man can literally win blind. this should be easier than that

    When someone says chess is no good for physical health:

    Please please correct me if I'm wrong but at 4:14 the eval for black is wrong. Black has Qf4+ "checkmating" the king and after white takes with the queen black takes with the pawn deflecting white's king which wins white's rook. Obviously understandable that both players missed this but I could see the board.

    I actually bought an Air Things for testing for Radeon gas. My levels were extremely high so it's possible Air Things saved my life. Radeon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer.

    What's the point of this, we already know that magnus can bindly play & win againts 5+ opponents at the same time, this is nothing to him

    what's the challenge? it's easier than playing blindfolded, which is trivial for many IMs, let alone the strongest GM in the world

    dood said naka would take… thats like wwjd?

    Bro this guy can win 10 chess games at the same time without seeing the pieces.

    He plays blindfolded exhibitions with 10+ people what did you expect.

    32 Airthings were broken in the making of this video.

    Well this is basically easier for them than blindfold chess only draw back is the time loss durinf the walks to the clock and the other side of the board

    It’d be more of a challenge if it was Fischer random and they had 1 min to look at the pieces before

    When you don't know what the pieces are, it's either you get to decides what piece you playing, it could be 15 queens
    or you just playing checker

    I doubt this will at all be a challenge for magnus lol

    Is this new format for next world chess championship 2024?

    I wonder what purpose the audience around the board serves. Even with the right pieces visible the quality of the game between these 2 would be above their cognition. With blind pieces they are simply looking lol

    At 3:33, why not Bishop h8 and mate with the queen on the next move?

    He can play like 10 games of Chess in his head at the same time, without seeing ANY of the pieces… yeah, I think he'll be fine

    i think he was unsure of what the last piece was because he checked it twice after the game lol

    the best part is how they have to run over to hit the timer

    Ive seen Carlsen play 10 opponents simultaneously while blindfolded. This would have been more interesting if all the pieces were unmarked and white.

    David Howell is such a charismatic dude. Excellent host, commentator and player

    but, how is thath even a challenge, howell is playing without knowging too, and even the fact that " magnus dont know the pieces " are so easy, this guy can beat 3 GMS at the same time BLINDFOLDED

    That was fun; We need one made with people, all dressed up as chess pieces, the guests can be part of the game of that way. The board is gona be huge i guess and the players may had to use some megaphone and stand over a pedastal to have an overview of the field.

    Good way to exercise, both mentally and physically 😂

    Playing time control with such a large board is the real challenge

    Is this just an ad for Airthings at this point…?

    This is supereasy for them. Even I could do it.

    what if making an illegal move gets a time reduction penalty

    Shoukdnt this be easier than playing blindfolded? If he can play simultaneous games blind, why would this be a challenge for magnus?

    I thought from the preview that they played checkers

    Such fun! Also, the only chess game where arm reach matters

    So… this was aerobics version of blindfolded chess, right?

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