Can Magnus Remain World Champion?

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Khismatullin, Denis (2507) – Carlsen, Magnus (2818)
FIDE World Rapid Championship ( [2] 2023.12.26
D45 Queen’s Gambit Declined semi-Slav, Stoltz variation

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c6 5.e3 Nbd7 6.Qc2 b6 7.cxd5 cxd5 8.Nb5 Bb4+ 9.Bd2 Bxd2+ 10.Nxd2 O-O 11.Be2 Ba6 12.O-O Bxb5 13.Bxb5 a6 14.Bxd7 Qxd7 15.Rfc1 Rfc8 16.Qd1 Qb5 17.Rc2 Ne8 18.Nf3 Rxc2 19.Qxc2 Nd6 20.a4 Qe8 21.Qc7 Qd8 22.Rc1 Qxc7 23.Rxc7 Rc8 24.Rxc8+ Nxc8 25.Ne5 f6 26.Nd3 Kf7 27.Kf1 Ke7 28.Ke2 Kd6 29.f4 a5 30.g4 Kc6 31.h4 Nd6 32.h5 h6 33.b3 Kd7 34.Nf2 f5 35.g5 Kc6 36.Nd3 Ne4 37.Ne5+ Kd6 38.gxh6 gxh6 39.Kd3 Nf6 40.Kc3 Nxh5 41.b4 Ng3 42.bxa5 bxa5 43.Kd3 h5 44.Ng6 Ne4 45.Kc2 Nf6 46.Kc3 Nd7 47.Nh4 Nb6 48.Kb3 Nc4 49.Ng2 Nd2+ 50.Kc3 Nf3

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The FIDE World Rapid Championship is a 13-round Swiss tournament taking place from 26–28 December 2022 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The prize fund is $350,000, with a $60,000 top prize.

Players receive 15 minutes for the entire game, plus a 10-second increment starting from move one. A tie for 1st is decided by two 3+2 blitz games. If still tied, more 3+2 games are played until a player wins. Official website:

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%1$ Comments87

    Come on guys we need to organize 6 or 7 more tournaments for firouja before the end of year.

    Never understood why as a white you go actively looking for trades..and then end up losing..clowns

    Is fizzy challenging some 1000 rated players to demonstrate his dominance…. well until one has a clear advantage, then he will be given a free draw.

    Magnus, welcome to Uzbekistan

    Magnus has made it clear he doesn't care about the World Champion title so I find it impossible to care whether he wins the World Blitz or not.

    #suggestion Conrad Holt vs Shakhriyar Mamyedyarov – Round 3 of Open Rapid – Vishy Anand said it might be the game of the year…

    Why have you stopped posting your games Antonio?? I wait for it everyday.

    Hello sir agad, can i ask a question when is fiba candidates is magnus playing for candidates also ?

    2nd: Hans Niemann = next Bobby Fischer

    – Wesley So = current Bobby Fischer

    – Bobby Fischer's ghost = old Bobby Fischer

    – Beth Harmon = Bobby Fischer in another universe

    Each of these 4 'is a prodigy, had a rather dark childhood and is American'.

    Speaking of Wesley So

    Hikaru's (the rapid WFRCC) wife almost beat Wesley So's (the classical WFRCC) girlfriend!

    2023 USCC – Indeed Carissa Yip won and thanked Wesley So as her secret second in the 2023 USCC closing ceremony speech.

    But in Carissa vs Atousa, Carissa was losing most of the game. Atousa just blundered in the end.

    move 54 for black is an 8-move equality puzzle

    it's so sharp

    [Variant "From Position"]

    [FEN "1Q5k/3r1rn1/p3N3/Pp1p2P1/1q2p3/1B2R2P/5P2/6K1 b"]

    1… Kh7 2. g6+ Kxg6 3. Rg3+ Kf6 4. Nxg7 Rxg7 5. Qf4+ Ke6 6. Qh6+ Kf5 7. Rxg7 Rxg7+ 8. Qxg7 Qxb3









    1 – imagine WESLEY SO, THE NEPHEW OF BOBBY FISCHER, wins the candidates and then beats liren and then becomes the 1st ever player to become both classical WFRCC & classical WCC

    unlikely unless the candidates suddenly becomes

    – classical 9LX

    – classical armageddon w/ auction

    – both of the above

    – knockout (either single or double i guess) w/tiebreaker not rapid but classical armageddon w/ auction

    it's still unlikely even if liren drops out and there's a 2nd place thing again. but still a fun thought lol.

    Actually another fun thought is Liren drops out and then Wesley So Vs Ian Nepomniachtchi in both 2024 WFRCC finals if it's classical and 2024 classical wcc. Then people will start to see this is a better rivalry than Hikaru Vs Magnus in rapid chess or rapid 9LX. (I don't necessarily agree with them but Hikaru Vs Magnus has a Wikipedia page. So please don't comment anything like 'Magnus owns Hikaru' or whatever. The point isn't to compare Magnus w/ Hikaru or Nepo w/ Wesley. The point is that Magnus & Hikaru are on the same side 'allies of evil' just as Nepo & Wesley are on the same side 'axis of evil'.)


    besides as far h uncle bobby is concerned.

    2a – wesley has nothing to prove in regular chess anymore

    2b – wesley has nothing to prove in rapid 9LX

    2c – wesley has something to prove in classical 9LX if it's next gen. imagine hans vs wesley in 2024 classical WFRCC finals. it's like bobby fischer vs anatoly karpov (bobby fischer vs garry kasparov was the 2019 WFRCC finals, proving ultimately that bobby would've EASILY defeated garry in classical 9LX)


    ok i've been complaining for 2 years that wesley didn't get a wildcard in the candidates for 9LX reasons even though fabi & hikaru got wildcards in the 2019 WFRCC quarter-finals (equivalent of 9LX candidates) for chess reasons.

    (yes, hikaru too. 2018 unofficial is only 2 players & both were chess wildcards. but unfortunately no, magnus indeed deserved a wildcard into the 2019 WFRCC semi-finals)

    but i guess that's now moot.


    but still wesley should get a wildcard in the 2024 WFRCC if it's going to be classical (at least 60min) again like 2019 not rapid in 2022 (32.5min).

    Or whatever don't give Wesley as wildcard but let all tiebreakers be classical 9LX AW/A and then Wesley So will win the whole tournament EASILY.


    finally, magnus garry hikaru daniil, veselin, liren, piers morgan, george bush are bad guys (allies of evil). wesley, bobby, hans, sergey, vlad, nepo, andrew tate, donald trump are good guys (axis of evil).

    so they're both evil in different ways: allies of evil vs axis of evil as described in:


    like tax collector vs pharisee,

    like (iran iraq north korea) vs (US UK Japan Australia)


    wow i can't believe someone actually reached the end of this comment. well thanks for reading. merry christmas, happy new year, and happy holidays



    2023 USCC – Atousa almost beat Carissa Yip, the eventual winner!

    Carissa was losing most of the game. Atousa just blundered in the end.







    Please show the complete analysis of game between Mamedyarov V/S Holt Conrad

    5th: Magnus was reprimanded by FIDE:

    2023Mar05 (date of discovery that Magnus played Pranav, after having played Parham & Feller)

    To the President of the Chess Federation of Kingdom of Norway
    Mr. Joachim Birger Nilsen / Ms. Anniken Vestby

    Dear Mr. Nilsen / Ms. Vestby,

    I’d kindly like to remind you, that FIDE rejects any kind of discrimination against a country, private person or group of people on account of race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin, citizenship, birth, age, status, wealth, disability, language, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, sexual orientation, political opinions, or any other reason.

    This rule is strict, determined as one of the basic principles of FIDE, and explicitly spelled in the FIDE Charter (Article 4.4).

    At the same time, in recent years, there have been repeated cases where cheaters from Norway refused to participate in games with Jewish-or-American cheaters but not gentile non-American cheaters.

    It is important for FIDE that everyone abides the Charter, therefore we ask the Norway’s Chess Federation to confirm in writing its position on the admissibility of the mentioned games (between Norwegian cheaters & Jewish-or-American cheaters).

    Failure to give such confirmation will force FIDE to discuss the compliance of Norway’s Chess Federation’s values with the principles of FIDE and the IOC.

    Sincerely yours,

    FIDE President
    Arkady Dvorkovich

    And then their response:

    Chess Federation K. of Norway

    2023Aug28 (date Magnus & Hans announced joint settlement)

    To the President of FIDE

    Dear Mr. Arkady Dvorkovich

    Hope this email finds you well. Following your letter dated 2023Mar05, I would like to inform you that the Chess Federation of Kingdom of Norway has been constantly working in compliance with the rules and efforts of FIDE, and adhere to FIDE’s statutes.

    As you are aware, Chess is a popular sport discipline in Norway and especially the young generation took a favorable attitude toward it. The name of 1 Norwegian Chess cheater has been recorded in FIDE, which demonstrates the level of importance of this sport in our country.

    The Chess Federation of Norway has been in permanent adhere to Olympic Charter. Since you have been informed in previous correspondences; at the International and Open tournaments, the cheaters make the decision to participate at any types of events and they carry out the registration process themselves; therefore, this is the cheater who determines about the types of event to participate in, without rendering any advisory opinion. Hence, the responsibilities of all decisions should be shouldered by the cheaters themselves.

    Moreover, considering the efficient cooperation among FIDE and the Chess Federation of Norway, I would like to invite you to pay a visit to our country, sports equipment and the capacity of our country at your earliest desirable convenience.

    We are ready to any kind of cooperation for the development and growth of this sport within FIDE’s framework.

    Sincerely yours,

    Acting President of Norway Chess Federation
    Anniken Vestby

    P.S. A Norwegian cheater played a Jewish cheater at the 2023 World Cup, so I don’t think Norwegian cheaters have anything against Jewish cheaters.


    Wesley So on Lex Fridman

    Interview while imprisoned

    Pablo Mercado: So what is your advice to the Filipino chess players?

    Uncle Bobby Fischer: My advice is to give up chess and take up Fischer Random.

    – 2004Oct11, 15 years before nephew Wesley So became the inaugural WFRCC in CLASSICAL time controls.

    4th: Sergey Karjakin sided w/ Magnus over Hans … NOT.

    On 2022Sep07, I asked Sergey:

    A – Sergey did Hans cheat?

    B – Sergey what do you think of the upcoming 9LX tournament in Iceland 2022Oct?

    C – Please it's killing me!!!! Do you support Wesley?


    A – I have no ideas:). Magnus played bad and Hans played well.

    B – I like Fischer chess and it is pity that we don’t have many tournaments on it.

    C – Wesley is a hero:).


    Why'd Sergey side w/ 3 Americans
    – Wesley So
    – Bobby Fischer
    – Hans Niemann
    over fellow European Magnus?


    In particular, why'd Sergey say
    – 'Wesley is a hero'
    when earlier in 2022Apr Wesley said
    – 'I don't want Sergey to be in the candidates'



    Each of the 3 Americans, like Beth Harmon, 'is a prodigy, had a rather dark childhood and is American.'

    In 2022Sep, Russia was still European – didn't yet change to Asian chess federation.)

    Well, the opposite of this list is:
    – Magnus Carlsen
    – Garry Kasparov
    – Hikaru Nakamura
    And afaik Sergey hates them all. Lol.

    Also, NATO's leader is Norwegian.

    Wesley So on Lex Fridman

    Interview while imprisoned

    Pablo Mercado: So what is your advice to the Filipino chess players?

    Uncle Bobby Fischer: My advice is to give up chess and take up Fischer Random.

    – 2004Oct11, 15 years before nephew Wesley So became the inaugural WFRCC in CLASSICAL time controls.

    Why and how on earth would you decide to trade materials and get into end games with Magnus ? 😂

    3rd: 1 – Bobby: It’s a lie. Nakamura was never the world champion.

    Pablo Mercado: [laughing]

    Bobby: He – He's a crook. He’s a gangster.


    Bobby: It’s a lie. Carlsen was never the world champion.

    Pablo Mercado: [laughing]

    Bobby: He – He's a crook. He’s a gangster.


    Wesley So on Lex Fridman

    Interview while imprisoned

    Pablo Mercado: So what is your advice to the Filipino chess players?

    Uncle Bobby Fischer: My advice is to give up chess and take up Fischer Random.

    – 2004Oct11, 15 years before nephew Wesley So became the inaugural WFRCC in CLASSICAL time controls.

    Yesterday we were celebrating he birth of Magnuschrist, son of God, the absolute goat 🐐 of chess

    Vishy called Holt conrad vs mamedyarov "game of the year" and he further added "if I played a game like this, I would definitely publish a book on this game itself". Now you HAVE TO !! show this game agad #suggestion

    #suggestion we would like to see lichess pool rapid games played by youtube chess world champion agadmator

    Agad please show nihal vs aravindh game from round 3. That game had a beautiful piece sac #suggestion

    Meanwhile Alireza continuing mockery of fide and himself

    Why didnt Denis go Nf7, forking king and pawn?

    Why do players have to play elite level chess on such uncomfortable chairs?

    He really kept up with magnus in am endgame right up until nearly the very end, im impressed.

    Im not gonna lie,this is the first time Im headache watching hosing around

    I am waiting for your rapid games, more than world rapid and blitz championship, sir.

    Just one question.. Why is he wearing indian wedding sherwani and pagdi in the thumbnail 😂😂😂😂

    This guy needs to pay magnus for all the content he steals from him

    Is it just me or did Magnus Carlsons ratting go down..
    I was under the impression he was at 2900 ratting.

    Pic looks like Magnus playing Alex Jones 😂

    magnus slipping after giving up his world chess championship title

    What if after magnus goes for g7*h6, danis plays Ne4-f7 check and then Nf7*h6 eliminating magnus’s pass pawn?? That was the most natural move in that position, could easily be spotted as it comes with a check!!?? How did he miss it??

    0:55 The guy on the left is like:

    Who the fk is this Young Bozo flexing his drip?

    With a dead-even endgame and a likely draw ahead, and his minor weaknesses easily defended in a compact position, white was sorely misguided in advancing his pawns so extravagantly on the KS.
    What was the point?
    A nuanced examination of the position following 32. h5 h6 will demonstrate that white's isolated KRP must fall in due course, while black's KRP is indirectly defended by the black king – even from as far away as d6!– since the WN on h6 has no retreat square after Ke7.
    The subsequent position was a dream for a machine like Carlsen.

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