Carlsen So Good, He Now Plays Online Chess Without A Mouse

Magnus Carlsen So Good He Now Plays Online Chess Without A Mouse. This is Magnus Carlsen vs Wesley So in the Crunchlabs Champions chess Tour Losers Quarterfinals. Epic chess by Magnus Carlsen and Wesley So!

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%1$ Comments74

    Wouldn't you get boxed in by the two rooks instead of repetition? If he brought both rooks down and the pawn covering the Kings escape that would be mate in the corner. Black would win

    If the game went on, how about Rb6 instead of Nd5?

    Yes easy one for the son of Carl. thanks for posting

    GM Level Commentary and Comedy ๐ŸŽญ

    That indicated horse move at 4:35 is really a masterful idea by stock barnacle ๐Ÿ‘

    Nobody: "Let's make online chess harder"

    Magnus: "Hold my mouse"

    โ€œDo subscribe . Become a GM within weeks โ€ฆ but results do varyโ€ ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ˜‚. Never fail to crack me up

    I think that you should apply a bit of weathering to that image at around 2:28, each time you use it.

    the wordplays in these chess analysis are on an other level !

    Why there no chikens in the chess community ๐Ÿ˜… ?

    "Wesley So gets his bits out…Kasparov gives him one." Entendre Chess.

    He said โ€œStockapuss โ€œ. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Entertaining and informative commentary on a brilliant game by Carlsen. Love it.

    Great game and analyse, as usual… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Stocktapus… Best by test.
    Keep 'em coming Baby!

    Love your stuff, man. Thanks for making it. You always make me laugh

    great analysis, very concise and clever.

    โ€œStocktopusโ€ made me expel a small amount of air. A mild chuckle if you might.

    I wonder when Magnus is going to go full Thor Lebowski and play GM's on a tablet wearing colored sunglasses lounging on a bean bag chair.

    Chess mouse โ™Ÿ๏ธ ๐Ÿญ speaks for itself

    Wesley with lower time is always going to be a tough ask even with draw odds, but this was a positional crush from Magnus. Good pieces v bad pieces.

    "but B4 magnus could do anything" 1:55 as he looks at the camera briefly to see if anyone caught that

    Everyone have one heck of a good week…! Cheers

    Best chess recap ever!
    I come here to laugh as much as to watch the recap.

    Dear Epic, you're taking the side comments too far, whinneies, fist bumps, camel toes and more. We don't need it. More chess words, fewer (getting very boring) banalities.

    Drawish Giri is in danger. Wesley is not joking!

    "Almost as bad as modern Star wars" wow, god damn brutal

    Congrats to our Stocktopus requestor, you've made it into the lexicon ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ™

    Great analysis. Love your content. Nice political commentary about modern Star Wars ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I was just wondering if I dared to say that shirt is a meme. It is time you took a vacation by all the looks of it!

    Nice Game from Magnus awesome attack I wouldโ€™ve targeted the Bishop with the Rook from the get go Thanks James

    I hear Magnus no longer uses the whinny instead he has switched to thundering hooves when he moves knights:)

    Has there been any Star Wars made after 2005 and ROTS then??? I have been too busy on the Global Chess Committee waggling pieces of string and throwing sticks. Sorry!

    It's not commonly known that Gaius Fromagnus' hair and brain has its own gravitational pull, which prevents mice living inside his orbit. If they come too close, they are pancaked into a beaver or platypus like creatures that make excellent fur gloves and slippers.

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