Carlsen’s Sacrifice BAFFLES The Chess Commentators

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Magnus Carlsen’s GOAT Sacrifice Baffles The Chess Commentators. This chess game played in the speed chess championship 2022, Magnus Carlsen’s quarterfinal against Fabiano Caruana, a chess match in which Carlsen utterly dominated from start to finish!

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#chess #carlsen #magnuscarlsen #epicchess

%1$ Comments61

    "He's seen it all B4"?! No, no, no, I haven't. I have NEVER seen a goat sac like that before! 😂 Bro, you should change the name of your channel from Epic Chess to Comedy Chess. DANGles!

    "In real life, and in chess, don't walk into a fork."
    Ben Finegold

    10:55 "it's about half ten here" …

    I wonder how many understand that it means half-past ten, or 10:30

    OMG, best solution for a sponsor section ever! 🙂

    I am so grateful to have been alive during the Magnus era – truly a talent for the ages. Some of his chess is godlike and sure he makes blunders – he's human but damnit he is so good.

    I'm glad that you started to get sponsorship!

    Very enjoyable, thank you! The analysis, the goat balls and "this rook a terrible lapel on the king's shoulder" make up for any imperfections. Great video. Already liked and subscribed months ago. Pure dead brilliant.

    What a game. So good that I laughed.♩♪♩♬ ♬♩♪♩

    Tried to sign up for Babbel, ended up with buying a Lambo.

    Nothing beats Ingles sin barreras from the early 2000's

    Babbel knows good content when they see it. I mean who wouldn't want to sponsor goat sacks?

    Never lose your car over a game of chess *again*.

    I've been uncharacteristically busy with work for the past ~10 days. I haven't stopped watching your videos, but with 20-30 minutes of free time per day (best case scenario), I barely have time to cycle through the channels I like. That's why I haven't commented in a while. I had to jot something down for this one though. The chess game was great (Fabiano looked like he was getting trounced nearly the entire time, only to [somehow??] weather the storm and walk right into two or three genuine opportunities to win as he folded up his umbrella; Fabi still got soaked though– Magnus reached up, grabbed a branch, and violently shook the leaf-hugging droplets all over FC before he even realized what was happening). Sure. All the games you analyze are great. That's beside the point for now because CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BABBEL SPONSORSHIP!

    Side note: excellent usage of "munch" and "munches" today. Please provide Spanish translations next time Babbel's marketing squad has the brains to advertise on this channel.

    Side note two: I'm exhausted but scared that I'll wake soon after laying down because there's now a good chance that I'll be visited by a nightmare of a woman drowning (thanks to a goat crashing her bukake party).

    Yep. Found the moves. All of them.

    Love your sense of humor. Zwischenzug!

    I think it is important to remember that even though there might be a "Magnud effect" that helps Magnus, there is also enormous pressure on Magnus being the one everyone watches and analysing. So IMO those two cancel each other out.

    Oh noooo ur doing the mid video sponsor ads now???? I need to use babbel to learn how to say sellout in spanish lol

    Love the commentary…king of punch lines

    Damned, Magnus rocking it, making world #2 feels like childplay.

    1:44 "b6, prepares to fianchetto the rook" 🤣🤣 Not enough appreciation for the jokes that come faster than a Kramnik cheating report

    Magnus likes to make terrible moves just to keep it interesting.

    If I'm watching super grand master players without any commentary, as a 930 elo, it simply looks like two players shuffling around random pieces to me lol.

    What was Magnus doing, you ask? Why, crushing the world number 2. That's what.

    That Babbel ad is like 99.99% better than what's on TV. I think you've found your calling mate. XD

    Speda also means wait in cape verdean creole

    9:10 The e bar can’t even make up its mind on what it thinks about Qe6. Crazy.

    Bro isn't even in the candidates tournament yet attract more views than the tournament itself

    The “Magnus Effect” is real. Magnus is such a technocrat of the end game his opponents miss obvious tactics to avoid letting Magnus take them down to the mat.

    I wonder how devastated Fabi must have felt this day. It’s so frustrating giving your best but it’s not enough

    I just caught the end of Naka vs Alireza game. “one move” under time pressure cost Gucci the game. I know you said you’re not covering it but that only leaves Gotham or Agad 😅

    Never seen an ad in your content – but damn you deserve it❤❤❤. (… ps, saw it all. Seems like a nice product ❤.. )

    This was a great game and match from Magnus, good to see you getting some sponsors James

    I already know the best language. If one of these ignorant barbarians wants to talk to me, they can buy Babbel and learn2English.

    Starts with a single advert, ends with you talking about mixed martial arts, bow hunting and playing chess off yer face on DMT!

    It appeared that Magnus sacrificed his rook but what he really sacrificed was his opponent's sanity.

    C4…Explosive English Opening! EEO! E-E-O! Sounds like a Huey Lewis and The News song.

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