Checkmate in just 4 moves! The Scholar’s Mate #Shorts
This is how you win in chess in 4 moves. It is also known as the Scholar’s Mate it is the most popular checkmate in the game of chess. You can only play this if your opponent play the same set of moves hence it is common among beginner. If you want to learn how to play chess or chess tricks do subscribe this channel.
#Shorts #Chess
Bring something new move
We know already
Dude knight to c6 in that position 💀 ☠️?! Only people who want to do a blinder in first 3 moves would perform that😅😅
Samane wali ke pass dimak hota h sab tumare jaise bhi hote 😊
No, because you took the pawn which means that it their turn, so the king can take the Queen
Disclaimer:- Player's Rating Should Be Less Than 400 elo😂
Its happen when your opponent is also you 😅
His king will attack the queen
plszszszsz cheac mate in 3 moves
The amount of people who are slandering this opening is actually nuts. Use it til u can. U people lose anyways; can't be the biggest dent in ur elo. Seriously be grateful that he made a video like this. People are acting like they are fing ultra grand masters.
It's check not checkmate bishop can defend it
Opponent plays pwan g6 …..
Strategy ruins
For those who doesn’t want to watch but win
step 1) buy a gun
Step2)load the gun
Step2)pull out the gun
Step4)shoot the gun
I won sooo many games through this way
its my trick!!! i invented it
Jay shree ram ❤❤
This is very common nowadays…😅😅
They didn't move same
Infact he can guard your with the pawn.
Rule #1:make sure your opponent's name is martin
That called jeweller mate
when you play with your niece 😂😂
It works 100%
there is fools mate where you lose in 2 moves
No it’s not by the king taking it
I did it and I played with my dad, but I accidentally won two moves
Bro why can’t the king kill the queen I play like that only
This is known as fool mate
He will just castle bro
I always do this
My opponent moves pond to attak my queen le me – kon tha be vo sala youtuber😂
But king capcher queen
Also called four move check mate
King will check the queen 😅😅😅😅
Only if the opponent is dumb
See your king and opponent king both are stand in same line 😂😂
If king kill queen by doing diagonal move
This is a baby mate
Pagal ha kya koi jaruri ha kya ki jo thu chalaga wahi opponent team chalaga 😮
Can anyone tell why won't king kill queen..bcz queen was literally in front of him?
what if he moves his pawn g6
Theres literally 18 or more different ways to stop it
Its old trick
It's the fools mate
I always counter scholars mate with knight H6 when someone tries to do it
i know that already
If he plays e6
it not gonna be work ♟️
I don't play like this we use pawns only to block😂