Checkmate in just 4 moves! The Scholar’s Mate #Shorts

This is how you win in chess in 4 moves. It is also known as the Scholar’s Mate it is the most popular checkmate in the game of chess. You can only play this if your opponent play the same set of moves hence it is common among beginner. If you want to learn how to play chess or chess tricks do subscribe this channel.
#Shorts #Chess

%1$ Comments196

    But when you check the king he might take your queen

    He can block with his pawn and take your queen

    Lol just play the queen as defend instead of knight

    Bro say your chess board name.your chess board is very beautiful

    It doesnt work now because everyone knows about this so they find ways to dodge it

    10 rule of chess a king is in the oposide of a king side

    The first time you have a chance at the top is the second one you get a free pass and you can go on your way back and then go to your car to go back to your house to pick it out or go back and then come to the bottom and get the rest and you get the rest you need and you get a chance for a second one to go to your friends car so I don’t think you’re getting any of the rest but you could go back to the bottom if you’re going back and get a free one and you could go to your car or you can get the rest and you can get the other two or whatever but I think it’s just like the one you got to go to your house or whatever and you could get a free ride to the other two so I think it’s just a lot more fun if you’re not sure if you’re not doing that you’re just going back and you don’t have a ride home and you don’t know what you don’t know how much you just don’t want it you just want it so I think it’s not a lot more than you

    But he played Nc6 and g6 and my queen is gone

    Man if someone fall in this trap i will pay you 1 million dolar

    I will play knight h6… Then chutiya saala

    next video:

    How to win a race:
    Step 1: make sure they don’t have legs

    It will work only when you are playing with beginners

    What happen if the opponents move like that we have not to move queen

    They play one move wrong your dead💀

    But what if they move there pawn instead of the knight?

    Bro your king was state was king your king was in wrong step

    Bro if that pawn is pushed its a defence

    I have a problem. If he tries to attack with his pawn

    What is the vaccine for this cheak mate

    Wait, what if my opponent knows how to play chess

    Lmaooooo , all of these are based on assumptions, such a noob you are

    Plot twist: the player move the pawn to e6 😢

    Bhai majak kar raha tha majak sorry sorry fake video banata hai sorry sorry video banane are bhai munh se nikale sorry sorry


    I'm a 1400, once my friend came to me and said I will beat you at chess. We start a game he tried scholar mate but I destroyed him and beat him in like 25 moves 💀

    My opponents tried this numerous times but got failed I never fall in this trap how hard you try , start with 2 steps of pawn ahead of rook and use the knight to defend it.

    this my sir teach me but Martin is only fall

    king will kill the queen see carefully

    What happen if he moves his pawn to g3 after u move your queen to h5

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