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%1$ Comments204

    "I'm lagging and I'm losing due to the lag – I know my opponent is lagging too, but it's not affecting them negatively because I'm lagging and it's affecting me negatively".

    I think we learned the real truth issue

    That kramnik plays much worse and makes huge mistakes online

    We shows he still works class otb

    Without online he's much stronger player then Jose.

    But levy's right
    Jose is an online specialist

    Kramnik makes the mistake of believing online chess strength and chess strength are 2 completely different things.

    Tournament players feel this the moment they play online
    As there are 1900s that only play the stonewall queens gambit and barely understand chess

    Instead of new laptops every day. They could have simply gotten a timelock safe that unlocks at a certain time that no one has access to until it unlocks itself.

    The title is "CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP SUSPENDED!!!!!" Who is suspended exactly? Is that a click bait or what? I've watch the whole 30 minutes but I failed to see who got suspended.

    Jose Martinez (if I speak it wrong, I’m sorry) has honestly more than proved himself in my view. At first, I was suspicious and sided a little with Kramnik since he was one of the world champions. But, seeing this, undisputed claim has been proven that Jose does not cheat, and Kramnik maybe is just acting childish in my view.

    I thought kramnik complain is on cheating? Why is he complaining now about lags, I believe he owes the young man an apology. Period!

    Kramnik actually won 28-0 in the whine-off so who’s the real winner

    To do something like this with Kramnik is totally pointless.
    He will always find excuses and reasons for why it didn't go as he wanted it and he will always complain, complain and then complain some more.
    He is a primadonna, a diva and a total narcissist.

    I'm just getting back into chess, so i dont really know the players, but i do know a lot about other sports. Why is chess taking cheating allegations made by a russian serious? You'd be better off taking financial advice from Bernie Madoff.

    Vladimir Kramnik is just taking advantage of the respect others have for him being a former world champion, but actually he's just a whiny old man that cannot stand losing (Mind you, I'm 15 years older than he is, so I know what old and whiny looks like… 😉)

    Oh so brand new laptops might not be set up fully? very very interesting. seems laptop companies are in on it too!


    Make sure your new PCs are fully updated before playing online games folks. xD Look, you gotta let the windows updates go through or you are asking for problems.

    Kramnik is a fishbox and should apologize

    Kramnik saying he would play against Hikaru is crazy. I get that he is a world champ but Hikaru is a top speed chess player of all time and basically playing the best chess ever rn while kramnik has been retired for a long time now

    Clash of Claims with Hikaru Next

    Mouse Gods Vs A World Champion
    Interesting 😂😂😂

    I’ve seen Vladimir play online chess. He seems to use a mouse from the early 90s and is very slow. I think there is just something to be said for confident moving of the mouse, and being able to see the whole board from overhead. I’m 1600 online, but over the board I sometimes miss really easy tactics or even move into one move blunders because it is harder to see everything. I doubt at a grand master level it is as dramatic, but I’m sure it still exists in some form, at least making it easier to see things more quickly.

    About the clock flashing zero and then gaining some time JUST HAPPENED TO ME TODAY! in a blitz game 21:33

    The only way Kramnik wins in this situation is if he completely blows Jose away. There was never even a chance.

    friendship ended with clash of clans, now raid shadowlegends is our best friend

    The fact that there is people entertaining Vladimir and this witch hunt is crazy..

    Next time they should use different programs/websites for each online game

    As one russian commentator said – no matter how the match ends, we're gonna hear from Kramnik why he was right all along

    I hope those laptops were donated to an Orphanage at least. There's a girl whose janitor in the basement died and could use the support. She'll probably grow up and beat Kramnik – he'll accuse her of cheating.

    The only person Kramnik hasn't accused of cheating is himself. I would hate to be his wife.

    Everyone are against Kramnik , but what he says . Results against Jospen on TT was 5-0 , he say at normal circumstances he must score more and did it . I think too it’s not normal some random players to had 5,10-0 against him on TT , when he can score even against Magnus , Hikaru and others top players . Maybe against Hikaru from 30 games result will be 25-5 or 20-10 but never 30-0 . Just this is the claim of Kramnik .

    I wanna seem Hikaru completely smoke Vladmir in Clash of claims

    Chess NEEDS this! This is GREAT for chess! I hope we get more of these!

    Clash of Kramnik's conspiracy theories

    I think kramnik is right in this case and everyone is just hating

    Kramnik got beaten by his boomer-PC-knowledge/abilities. Everybody plays on those buggy servers, so in the end all suffer the same issues and it all balances out. Yet Kramnik goes all grandpa-conspiracy-mode and proclaims "this maschine is tricking me!" while at the same time going on about how statistics prove everything. He's definately quite a diva there.

    Crazy that kramnik was the FIDE president or some high post at a time

    Bro starts his vids like its an apology video💀

    It's about time that Kramnik is completely forgotten, also meaning YouTubers need to stop giving him attention/milking him for content.

    Bitter old kramnik, unless this kramnik baiting us all just to earn $

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