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%1$ Comments204

    Proven once again: there should be no official tournaments online. Ever!

    Should i play rapid or blitz as a 900 elo😅

    The demeanor, the cadence, the quality. This is the Gotham I enjoy watching.

    Honestly if Hikaru gets to a 1v1 with Vlad it will be so awesome, a battle of the ages, 2 absolute giants of chess will battle it out, of course, with Hikaru peaking with over 2900 blitz I think Vlad will have no chance of winning, getting the taste of the sweet sweet statistics he loves so much

    So it looks like Kramnik actually has a point? It's pretty much possible that he was losing online in Titled Tuesdays just because his game lagged. 0.3s loss over 60 moves is 18 seconds which is a lot. Kramnik actually should team up with Jose, play a set of games from their homes, record them and compute lag.

    no way karmnik is in his right mind

    SPOILER ALERT : Magnus is in a traffic jam, back from yet another ski session. Hikaru is streaming a blitz session for 72h but please wait for him, Gotham's Camera is broken and the organizers just lost the building keys anyway (just kidding, haven't yet seen the video)

    Well, i am not a Doc, but what Kramnik is showing, the delusion, the paranoia, the denying of truth and reality, seems like the initial state of dementia.
    On the other side… technology scammed him twice in this tournament… Maybe he is on to something. AI evolved and is trying to bully Kramnick into oblivion.

    Vlad is just an old man who doesn't accept new technology

    I would love to see Kramnik vs Hikaru in the same format.
    It would be a massacre

    29:40 What would a Kramnik vs. Hikaru match in such a format even be supposed to show?

    about the idea that jose beats kramnik more online. everything you said is valid, but also a ~30ish matches is not a statistically significant figure.

    Kramnik wants to do this with Hikaru? Hilaru will denolish him. 4 points+ difference

    So basically this absolute fucking embarrassment of an event was a joke. Thanks for bringing us this incredible content Levy and profiting off a pathetic drama that only benefits chess' biggest bully.

    Great job.

    Levy, some free content:
    -This indian guy who just reached 2700 (Chitambaran or something like that)
    -Niemann back to 2700 elo as well

    The fact that Vladimir has such restrictions for the computers says to me he is an extreme conspiracy theorist. That and all the discredited "statistics" he posted about, says to me he's completely lost it.

    Lol, so Jospem was actually cheating online (like matching Kramnik, who is not at all as strong as top players now). With such a level of play he must've never win TT (Kramnik never did)

    Could hardly watch it live since Kramnik was crying like a baby every time he lost

    I respect Kramnik's contributions to the game, and him as a human person, but I don't respect him as a sportsman. This whole problem with his computer was a result of his absurd request of new computers. If he is going to demand that, he needs to be held responsible for making sure the machine is ready to play on. Edit: If Kramnik plays a second one against Hikaru, he's likely to be severely humbled if that is a feeling he is capable of. Hikaru would beat anyone in the world in this format other than Magnus who he'd be on approximately equal footing with.

    This Just show that chess and online chess are two different games!

    You added the Mexican flag instead of the Peruvian 😂

    Interesting result really, it seems clear to me that any anomaly related to the online environment i.e. server lag, laptop performance etc. is likely what Kramnik is attributing to "cheating" by players (a total non understanding of tech leading to typical paranoia). Solution simple, if he cannot accept the realities of online play that actually affect all players from time to time, STOP PLAYING ONLINE. I myself have had the same thing, a players clock hits zero and the game continues… cheating or server lag? It happens. What's next, Kramnik looking for secret rays emanating from chairs?

    Levy never fails to clickbait me 🤓

    Ik this might sound weird…. But i played a game yesterday… I was at 21s and my opponent was at 0.03 s yet i lost… It showed "Black won by timeout"… Like how?

    "He's 48, your brain stops working for chess…"
    It's true, and it's awful.
    I just turned 43.
    When I was younger, I could multiply large numbers in my head, instantly.
    I'd just break-it-down as simply as possible: If someone asked me "What is 7% of 1892?" That' is just 70 + 56 + 6.3 + .14 = 132.44

    But, NOW, when I go to do that, it's like everything GETS FUZZY in my head.
    Getting old sucks.

    EDIT: The only good thing is your judgement gets better. That. Is. It.

    TLDR: Mr. Vladimir Kramnik needs to stop falsely accusing people and got taught a big lesson by Jose.

    Gz Jose.

    Bro I think these chess guys have never played CS. There's always someone crying youre cheating and when they play bad they are saying they have lags

    Thank you very much for this thorough recap!

    Kramnik complaining about issues that come with using computers in general and not knowing how to deal with tech. Especially when it’s not your own personal setup where everything is setup to your liking

    What's the point of this ? If Kramnik wins jospem is a cheater ? If Jospem wins then it proves he has never cheated ?

    I've got a math exams tomorrow but here I'm watching this

    What we need is a Magnus vs Neumann Clash of Claims 😳

    I was in a tournament this weekend too, coincidently! Your influence part of the reason I did really well! Thank you for everything! 💌

    Playing vs Hikaru would be a LOT of fun, for everyone except Kramnik

    Lavi your contant is becoming boring. When you make a video about a topic you just keep making videos about it like your interviews and just some days ago you dropped two interviews. And you are not making guess the elo.

    So… Microsoft is to blame? Should have used Linux, obviously. And… Lichess?

    Long live open source? Jesus fuck.

    Thanks for clearing up so much confusion.

    Unfortunately he is going the way Fischer went. 😢 Great Vladimir, great Fischer, they are my heroes.

    Jospem was both the actual as well as the moral victor of this event. Patience of a saint, and he also just was straight up better than Kramnik.

    Some ppl just play chess much better online rather than on a board because of the bird perspective. When you play online you have a much better overview of everything what is hard to reach on a board because you are looking at the board from the side.

    I am a psychiatrist. In my opinion Kramnik is delusional. Usually we do not express our opinion about a patient publicly, but his behaviors hurt others. His friends should advise him to visit a psychiatrist. Others should be aware of his situation and don't feel bothered when he accuses them of cheating.

    Solution: 7 games on one Laptop and the other 7 games they switch the laptops.

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