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%1$ Comments204

    Id love 2 see Nakamura vs Kramnik this way

    Kramnik always double clicks his pieces and never premoves, not even recaptures. 🐢I guess those are somehow also not available in his timezone?

    Wow the ending is insane.
    I know you guys are professional chess players, but you guys really need to understand WIFI is unacceptable for professional gaming.
    Knowledge easily applied from all other competitive online games.

    I don't mind a pin of shame, but you should not co-commentate with your friend again. He barely gave you any room to speak and it's like he doesn't breathe before he jumps into the next sentence. He just keeps on talking and talking and talking.

    Besides his incredible chess skills, Kramnik is evolving to the biggest clown on the internet.

    So basically this match just proves what we all already know, that u can play well online chess even yr over the board rating might be lower. True for Danya and Andrew Tang.

    Kramnik is equal parts Phil Hellmuth, Roger Waters, and Donald Trump

    Best Levy's comment during the clash: 'It's really hard to stay professional'. That said it was entertaining as a spectator… Reality TV Chess… Bring on Hikaru

    Hikaru would steamroll Kramnik if they ever got to play.

    What game Kramnik plays?
    Doesn't matter issues with connections or any other… He proved, that he's a great online player, that is able to win with Kramnik on a regular basis.
    Kramnik could keep his face, if he says – not happy with organisation, but obviously Jose is a good player, I'm satisfied with confirmin he is legit….
    But he prefers the Russian way – stayin an idiot.

    Why do my comments keep getting deleted?

    Kramnik: I'm lagging

    Yeah buddy everybody is.

    Kramnik is an embarrassment obviously, but the lag issues are unfortunate. I'm not sure how it works with cdc servers if you're in Spain and it still has to communicate with the USA lag is somewhat inevitable. When having crazy time scrambles where a half second actually matters, we definitely have to try to plan things out such that the events being hosted are physically close to where the data ultimately has to travel.

    Obviously everyone who has played chess online has experienced lag issues especially if you play bullet and it obviously isn't going to favor one player over another especially if they are in the same room. And even more obviously it says nothing at all about whether or not players are cheating. VK is the epitome of a crybaby.

    yeah nothng new.. Kramnik is just another crybaby supporting Putin

    I lost two seconds on my clock the other day, I thought I was going crazy….. no response from support

    guys i think levy`s kidnapper is kramnik

    Classiest move by jospem would be to not even mention the claims.
    He already agreed to play an altered format on day 1.

    New laptops every day!? 🤣Who does he think he is? Does he think the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia is plotting his demise? Nobody cares, bro. He's a 48-year-old toddler.

    Magnus Vs Hans – 36 games nonstop 15+10 secs

    why this game is soooooo important??
    Because it’s the first factual evidence that OTB and ONLINE are really different; new generations of players are really different, and it’s not crazy to think that, sooner or later, we might not be talking about the “best chess player in the world” as only a single person.

    Imagine a world where a Magnus Carlsen never could defeat another online chess genius, and viceversa. All the controversy this might bring …

    If it isn't Linux, illuminati gang stalkers can hack it. Even if it is Linux, there is no guarantee. Plus network issues can be CREATED independent of OS used.

    Tell you what . I watched the whole thing in Spanish and I don't know a lick. But Kramnik's body language says it all. Straight yuck. What an absolute egotist power play. Demanding less games, griping after every loss…reminds me of dodgeball in 6th grade with the bully claiming he didn't get hit

    I want to see Daniel Naroditsky play clash of claims against kramnik considering he is a way smaller creator than Hikaru and deserves more attention

    Kramnik may be weird but requesting new laptops does not in any way mean that it is his responsibility that they function correctly. The top players at every sport always are a bit obsessive so under these circumstances (lag, clock etc) his complaints are expected and should be taken into account.Great games by Jose and props to him

    Jose Martinez, he has the flag of Mexico should be Peru 🇵🇪

    we need hikaru and kramnik on clash of claims

    Kramnik should write a book “How to f*ck up your legacy in one year”

    Kramnik showing how elitist some of the chessplayers are. What a disgusting person.Vamos Jospem, grande!

    Krakozia Krammnik who lives in Geneva now has a new nick..Swiss Cheese.. after all these holes Jos made in him

    more cheaters after this event. Even I have a desire to cheat from now on. Because there is no way they catch me.

    So basically josepams online prowess is real but online chess is still trash

    Jospem gives me the vibe of Nacho from Better Call Saul

    Why cant he admit his prime is over? He is a former world chess champion and has won against many great opponents, noone is doubting his abnormally strong chess skills. But you would think that someone who is that great at chess understands, that with age your blitz skills rapidly decline and you lose against younger players solely because they can think extremely fast. Also he is calling out everyone for cheating who wins against him while being lower rated than him. Why is his pride so high that he cant just congratulate his opponents?

    Kramnik, we know you are a former prodigy in the game of chess. But losing to lower rated players today doesnt take away your achievements from back then.

    silly they should of played all the games over the board ?!

    woooooooooooow, so a gaming PC, if maintained properly, will boost your obline rating… das wild!

    One needs to have some empathy for Kramnik here, imo. It probably was a hell for him. Almost the whole world considers him to be paranoid and now this thing with clock, and only his clock, even confirmed by arbiters it just adds to the pool of "this man is crazy". I have a huge respect for him that he could continue in such a situation and show reasonable performance.

    Huge respect for Jose too, it was a new and extra stressful situation for him and he did well too.

    Behind him is the flag of Ukraine near the lamp

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