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%1$ Comments204

    Vishy chose legend.Kramnik chose villian.

    Vishy chose legend.Kramnik chose villian.

    but lagging happens. though i do live in africa and there are people in my country with twice my rating. so i dont care about it

    26:10 results
    I'm curious, do Kramnik have a statistics how many he would lose or win before the match?

    It's not that everybody's cheating online, it's that Kramnik doesn't perform as well online as he does over the board. He can feel that he's losing more online but can't tell that it's because he's online. He just can't really handle the feeling that he's worse all that well.

    Just realised that the lag doesn't change how long either player has to think about their moves on their turn. Independent of how much lag, it's still exactly correct. The difference is in how long they get to think on their opponent's time: they both get the length of time it takes for their opponent to move plus the length of time the move takes to be sent from one computer to the other. So both get the same amount of extra time and both during a period where it isn't their move. The only inequality is that they get the extra time looking at different board positions: the one who's just-played move is lagged gets extra time looking at the board just after the move they have played. The opponent gets extra time looking at the board before the move is played but not yet knowing what the move is. I'd imagine, if Kramnik knew this, he wouldn't have been so concerned. Another way to look at this is to view it as there not being a single clock – each player has their own clock and both clocks are stopped as the moves are transmitted between computers.

    There was also the last game where the claim was that he lost on time without seeing his opponent's move. That's different. If that really happend, it's a very bad bug.

    Kramnik's whole thing was that there is no way that Jose is as good in person as he is online (due to potential cheating.) Jose proved that even with all the issues, he outperformed Kramnik and wasn't decimated and held his own/ won.

    If watch videos of the insane clock issues – then there is no way any fair minded person could contend that the game is legitimate – Kramniks clock is absolutely bonkers – noone could play with that.

    lmao if anyone still plays on chesscum not as a meme i feel so sorry for you ahaha, imagine a chess platform on which you cant play chess because your opponent's moves don't get displayed, half the people are cheating and you have to pay to analyse your games and get raped by all the advertisement as soon as you log in…

    kramnik a chess legend hated by literally everyone (desserved)

    I can actually hear u now quite well since I installed a sound enhancing app. It's not need for other videos.

    I get that in zoomer world you villianize people as a group with as much vitriol as possible, but in this case the organizers had a sole responsibility of being more technically savvy than the players and they are at fault for failing.

    I don’t know, I feel like Kramnik did something here despite complaining so much. He showed us that he can still hold his own versus this new era of chess players. Sure, Kramnik didn’t win this clash of claims thing, but he didn’t get smacked around like he had by Jospem in Titled Tuesday. That leaves me with two conclusions. 1) Kramnik is too old for computers. 2) Jospem had assistance.

    Either Kramnik accused players X, Y, Z…of cheating – or he did not. Which is it? Why are all content creators (except perhaps Hikaru) pussy footing around this?

    Kramnik would lose in an embarrassing fashion if he played Hikaru in Clash of Claims 2… Hikaru would destroy him😂

    Respect for Kramnik being the world Champion at some point…. But mann being respectful towards your opponent is also a part of the game, Jose played a good tournament and it is obviously expected for Kramnik to have a lead in the OTB chess… Still I would say it's very even… You can't really complain about lag and stuff in an online match… Cause both of them must be facing the similar issue… And if this guy really plays Hikaru next, I REALLY WANT HIKARU TO WIN IT ALL

    Is Kramnik aware that Hikaru adopts José?

    All I'm saying is that this shit would never fly on lichess

    Nobody mention that an event of chess cannot have lags, and other computer problems. Of course it's not professional. At the end of the day the event was more about the credibility of online events, rather than the strength of an old chess player now retired

    Basically Kramnik has become a crybaby
    Or maybe he always was

    Why don't they play 3 or 4 or 5 min blitz without increment

    Kramnik has proven beyond any doubt, that he is a paranoid psycho.

    Cant wait to see Hikaru stomp Vlad. Hell be lucky not to get adopted

    I'm amazed that a man of Kramniks clearly superior intelligence didn't realise that running the machines from USB sticks running a live Linux distro, which never does anything without the user's knowledge, would've been the way to go here.

    José Martínez. You proved to be a gentleman and great player. Fair winner

    I'm so glad I didn't attend. I was seriously considering it since I live near Madrid, but something smelled fishy with Kramnik involved

    Why TF do you want brand new computers? The guy is physically there. Monitoring is not hard.

    Who was the bigger whiner Kramnik or Fischer

    Best event I've seen for a long time, I hope the second one will be as fast as possible

    Hey, YouTube just asked me if this video is a good recommendation for me and I give it 4*
    You are welcome Levy

    Lichess would have been a better site to play on, ive played on lichess for many years, havent ever experienced lag

    Jospem is so easy going. I commend the guy

    Jose for the WIN in more ways than one…

    To sum it up, the whole thing was scuffed. Since it was a clash of 'Claims', then any scuff is enough to invalidate it.

    Bro do you know how much they spend on new laptops and then saw kramnik crying about it

    Huge respect to Jospem. He is very repectful and patient. Kramnik on the other hand comes out as a toxic individual who thinks that his way is the only way.

    All the best Levy for your first unretireing tournament

    Vladimir is a former world champion. he is the man who dethroned the great Kasparov, and is certainly one of the greatest in chess history. but his behavior in the last year is just……with this childish behavior, complaining and being paranoid about everything, and if he loses immediately accusing his opponent of cheating, he just lost the respect of many people. for me Jose is not a cheater, respect for this young man, who despite everything, just wanted to play chess, respect! I don't expect Kramnik to apologize to him for accusing him of cheating, but he just lost the respect of many people in the world, which is the worst.

    Sad that a chess legend is destroying his own chess legacy.

    Ohh if for chess brain stops at 48 then you should look at vishy Anand, even in this engine era thriving among youngsters

    Can't wait till Hikaru adopts Kramnik

    As disappointed as I am with Kramnik, a guy who knows so little that he doesn't know how little he knows, I am impressed with Jospem for standing up to a bully and winning the match. Now that he can't accuse Jospem anymore, I guess Kramnik will go back to accusing 12 year old Turkish kids of cheating online. Maybe he can challenge them to a match as well? Such heroic work… Keep it up big Vlad! You're so intelligent! I can't wait to see what "conspiracy" you'll uncover next.

    Kramnik just salty he didn't just destroy Jose. He'll never admit he actually lost and will always whine unless he gets his exact way. He's a stubborn old childlike human.

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