Chess Cheating Scandal FINAL UPDATE!!

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%1$ Comments468

    So magnus is a sore loser and gets to say his opponent cheated without repercussions?

    After this levy goes on to record his allu hamda ISIS ransom video

    What is all this stuff about levy being a hostage? Idgi please someone explain.

    how is he both yellow and red at the same time

    Yes love you, you are the big chest man you do in fact sacrifice the rock

    Yup I don't really care who's right or wrong or anything at that just here for the tea 😅

    I don't play chess and i enjoy your content. I found your channel because of this drama.

    I think gothamchess has a thing against colonoscopies

    this video is made by levy to prove that he is held captive

    FINAL UPDATE!! is this the last we will hear of this? “I don’t think so”…. Levy clickbaits again!

    Its a shame that Niemann worked his ass off for a dismissed lawsuit that speaks for itself

    hans will forever be the buttplug cheater in my mind no matter what

    I know you will make videos about this, even if I AM a rocket scientist.
    Thought you'd wish to know 😀

    Levy, if your captors are holding you somewhere, leave a clue in your next video. Perhaps do some "guess the elo" but you hint at your location using player names, or openings. If you're being held in Vienna, show the first video with with Vienna gambit. Use GPS locations in your timestamps. SOMETHING! We will save you…. well, we won't because we're all online chess nerds… but we will SAY we will save you.

    Niemann has an unusual amount of narcissistic traits. Narcissistic people are notorious cheaters and liars. It is also proven he has cheated for rating in the past. He would never admit on cheating since it would destroy his carreer. One of the narcissistic traits is grandiosity to the point that they believe they stand above the law and thinking they would never be caught breaking it. Combined with the intelligence of a GM this can be a very problematic combination.

    I'm interested of this situation and ot your videos about it, so I don't mind if you post them👍

    LOL yeah being called a cheater, when you've cheated, admitted cheating, been caught cheating, being called a cheater when your a cheater is damaging to your reputation. LOL

    Thanks Gotham. Top notch as always whatever the subject. Cool calm collected.

    Guys I just wanna say I got 1000 elo today and I'm very happy🎉

    It's insult porn: do not even attempt to prove anything. Just call him names. Cite statistical anomalies. Cite "expert" opinions. There is no proof of anything. There is no attempt to prove anything. On the positive side, talent always wins out. Jk Rowling, Joe Rogan, Dave Chapelle, the Tate Brothers… Attempt to cancel make competent people stronger. Yours in chess, Will

    He could be not cheating but it's nobody's fault but himself that people don't trust the guy who beat the number one chess player out of nowhere and has not just caught for cheating but lied about the number of times he has cheated.

    As the kidnapper i can confirm levy is not a lawyer

    Min 14:20: that’s exactly the issue!! How can magnus make such powerful statement saying that he won’t play agains Hans again because of cheat and as you say it’s almost impossible to prove? In the meantime, Hans (cheater or not) is only being talked about for that statement.

    I see Niemann's face and I am absolutely certain: he cheated…🤨

    Props to levy for posting even when he is being held captive

    "There are only two realities, he is cheating or he's not cheating."
    Schrödinger's Niemann

    Blink once for 'yes', twice for 'no', three times for 'maybe'…

    It is defamation. You can’t offend someone’s reputation/honor/good name/ image without proof. And Hans definitely had his name damaged – he got associated with cheating, he was disallowed to participate in tournaments, due to magnus statements. If magnus can’t prove the allegations, then I bet that a court will make him pay moral damages.
    Just my thoughts and basic interpretation of a lawyer – European law (I am) with some knowledge about American law.
    The dismissal is nothing more than the court saying that it has no jurisdiction over that matter.

    Really nice video.. u spoke all that's in my mind man..

    Waiting for your video with legal eagle about the case Levy!

    The cheating aspect in chess has hurt the chess community. This is only my opion

    What we need is that carlson and hans need to show the chess community in a torment with shows all proticols in place before and place then in an area where there id no human body's there and cameras only to get over this hump.

    If he didn't feel caught he would've went public and be super outraged about Carlsen accusations. But he waited literal months to even give a statement

    iANAL lol lol lol.
    Sounds like the newest Apple device geared toward unscrupulous chess players.

    That’s not the definition of defamation

    Levy, why don't you cover Global Chess League??

    Prolific cheaters who get caught almost without fail admit to only whatever can be proven at the moment, try to damage control as much as possible, and claim to do better

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