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%1$ Comments288

    So cute that Levy thinks of himself as a villain. That's like a pet dog that sees a wildlife show on T.V. and thinks it's a lion.

    Yeah just create drama to make a boring board game famous

    I think Hans is the Greatest Chess Player of All Time. Magnus is just the phoney face of chess. A poster boy. Chess is a controlled environment.

    No for sure whenever the words – I'm not a cheater comes up…. He's lying for sure lying his bloody head off & he knows it…

    Levy you're not even close to a villain. You're just a cool guy who lives & luvs Chess😅💯👍

    This guy is lost- his lawyers dropped the charges against Magnus Carlson. But his making it sound as if Magnus paid up??? Magnus needs to sue this CIA counterintelligence agent for cheating!! This guy is an infiltrating butt hurt Cheater 😂….

    If u watch anime, pls analyse the game played in classroom of the elite ayanokouji vs arisu
    Youre views will be doubled

    i love how everyone in chess likes mating others

    I really appreaciate your ability to see issues like this from different sides and to point out the nuances and ambivalences.

    Can you make google bard and chat gbt play a game

    I hate his attitude, and how he's trying to twist the narrative. He was always going to lose a defamation case because the report was confirmed to be true by himself, so any harm or malice he might demonstrate in court has no merit. Dude is the Billy Mitchell of chess I swear to god.

    also, he probably said that the report is defamatory because it alleges that he cheated in titled tuesday when he was 16, he denied that from the start and the statistical analysis of ken reagan said that there wasnt definite proof of cheating.

    if im not wrong the part that got dismissed was the antitrust part not the defamation part.

    Levy,Ive started using stretched resolution when watching your videos.Your face in 4:3 ratio is kinda funny and always makes up my day.Thanks for the great video as usual !

    GothamChess is the villain that everyone likes, so is he really a villain?

    We need Hans to resign on move 1 against Magnus and accuse him of cheating ahhahaha

    As a Romanian I can say this video is 11/10

    Him calling out Alexandra is the kind of thing we need more today

    I am 1000 elo player so I should not comment on the chess itself but anyway, at 23:24 why white would take the rook with KC2 and not the queen with RF5?

    watched his stream during this, he was answering to chat much while playing, so id say it played a somewhat role just came back to streaming and playing

    Levy is a villain the same way a tomato is a fruit.

    Loss of 50 elo points isn’t the most suspicious thing ! The whole progression is highly suspicious, with vertical cliffs of hundreds of elo points. There’s a lot of things highly suspicious. So, there is no strong evidence, but things are highly visible and obvious.

    There was something very “Trumpy” about the way Hans spoke in his video. 🥴

    "I don't even know where he is, in the world."

    In many a persons' minds, rent free.

    “I look forward to competing against Magnus in chess rather than in Courts”

    I can hear a faint humming noise in Nieman's video… anybody else felt those vibes?

    Levy: A chess tournament in St-Louis, Misery ?!?

    The seriousness of Nieman speaking makes him even more funny !!!

    If Hans is Chess Dr evil, then it makes you mene me

    Levy is a villain like Blofeld's white cat is a villain.

    Niemann is a total narcissist. No one missed him, and no one cares that he is back. He is the Steven Seagal of chess.

    Think his butt plug died when he was playing the 2600 player. Glad he was able to recharge it for when he played Danya

    I just started dying when the video of Hans ended , Levi just smiles “this is incredible stuff”!!! We all were like wtf Hans on lol

    Hans Niemann: My lawsuit with Magnus has been resolved in a mutually acceptable manner… In which I received 0.00 dollars or even acknowledgment or even a virtual handshake.

    Speaking of chess news… FIDE recently banned transgender women from women's tournaments. I hope you will talk about this- it's a blatantly transphobic and misogynist policy, and sexism in chess is so underdiscussed. This needs more publicity and more outrage!

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