Chess Grandmasters vs. Cheaters

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%1$ Comments662

    The circles will never stop until both kings are happy 🙂

    ok, as clear as the cheating was on the first game, i cant help but admire the beauty of it.

    Magnus when he sees a cheater: Finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be epic!

    i was once called a cheater by my opponent(were like 1100), i played really well in the middlegame and was playing many top computer moves and also got a brilliant, but threw the game in a rook vs bishop and 2 pawns endgame :`)

    Best chess player in the world? Eric Rosen playing the Stafford gambit.

    How do the cheaters get such high ratings without being caught? Presumably they cheated to get the high rating and then, boom, it's obvious they are cheating?

    Im new to chess… how do we spot the cheater??? Like how did the cheat things work??

    Magnus carlsen = content…
    Cheaters = content……….
    Magnus + cheaters =……


    For mothers and/or fathers day you do a guess the elo of kids against their parents. It would be cute

    Imagine being able to defeat a cheater. Magnus ain't a human being

    Why the fuck do half of the top comments have inappropriate profile pictures?

    LEVY just to rip off those cheaters you have to be a GM and crash em

    Levy didn't mention it in the video, but the time usage for the cheater that played Magnus was incredibly sus. They were taking the same amount of time for every single move, which is why they lost on time. I don't think there were any moves where they played quickly, it was just 100% checking the engine before making a move.

    I have an interesting thought. What if some cheaters cheat against strong players to basically see how they would fair against the computer? I'm not going to lie, it would be pretty fun to have engine by my side and see Hikaru play against it. Just some food for thought. Doesn't excuse them of anything, but at least their motive becomes clear

    His video quality is certainly going down. Even his thumbnails are just lazy and he is not even that good at chess haha xd

    I'm just wondering… WHAT IF I WON'T LEVY… what if I won't…

    Imagine cheating against Magnus. Wut a dipshit.

    Bruhhh….Reading the title, I was wondering,"WHAT DID HANS DO NOWWW?!!"

    12:55 – An amazing display of tactics. It's surprising how sometimes not taking a piece is the better play like Rook C2 blew my mind.

    The real big chungus official channel says:

    I hate Gotham 😒 he is way too handsome and good at chess 😐

    (jk) I love levy more than my sister 💀

    A 4.4 advantage would've been enough for Hikaru to convert if he had unlimited time.

    What if aliens gave us the game of chess to test our intelligence, and because we still see it as a competitive sport, they don’t interact with us 🤔

    Speaking of cheaters would this opening be a cheater opening? E4. Knight F3. Bishop C4. Bishop takes F7

    So basically, the best player in the world is Hans Niemann

    i don't know english still i watch the video.❤

    YouTube Gotham: "Nobody at 2400 makes this many knight moves in the opening."
    Twitch Gotham: Jumps the same Knight back and forth for 8 moves in Blitz.

    Really disappointed you did not show Magnus v. Hans… just kidding! (or am I?)

    Frank usually gets low accuracy, which means he calculates further than stockfish does. Frank is the best.

    I used to hate your videos and thoght you were a clown, but every video you make just confirms it

    It isn't that hard to admit magnus is the best isn't?

    This video is so well edited. The Magnus game is legendary. This is so so good.

    Sumo Wrestlers intermitantly fast in order to grow fat

    2:40 "Nobody at this level makes this many knight moves in the opening"
    Didn't I recently watch a video of Levy premoving 4 knight moves as his first four moves ? Bringing the knight back to its starting square ? Surely I wasn't dreaming ?
    Bit of the pot calling the kettle black, innit ?

    If yall don't think Magnus is the greatest player to ever live, then PROOF:

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