Chess Grandmasters vs. Cheaters

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%1$ Comments662

    0:17 the best player in the world is the one who speaks for himself

    Levy will you be covering the Grand Chess Tour? Broadcasts for the superbet classic are usually over by the time U.S. people wake up and Nepo is one win away from being 2800. I would love to see your commentary.

    Magnus still winning against a cheater is just so funny for no reason

    Levy: every human beeing is making mistakes
    Magnus: let me prove you wrong

    me every move trying to guess the engine move:

    In Hikaru’s eyes:
    well I’m gonna be down a pawn but I’m gonna do
    ~Hiraku things~

    It you suspect you're playing a scumbag cheater ahead of your game, play fast and play into locked structures. Improves your odds since the cheater has to wait, and an engine is calculating a lot while humans can instead visualize general concepts in those types of positions.

    Magnus: Call an ambulance…

    … But not for me.

    Magnus so good, the cheater loses the game.

    Does anyone have the links to these games on YouTube?

    LOL Frank streams on YT has just got past 100k Subs-but still makes the same mistakes. He's gonna be 650 for a while

    22:35 What's incredible is that stockfish managed to hold even with MAGNUS for so long.

    Gotham If you want u can do recaps on the Grand Chess tour which is now live in Bucharest Romania

    Cheater in the second game just watched Levy’s video on how to run the King

    Let’s play a game of chess and in the end Levi will guess the Elo for each team.

    Rule 1. The first commented move is taken for each color.
    Rule 2. To show that your black or white, write W for white and B for black as a prefix for each move. I.e, WB3 or BB3 etc.
    Rule 3. If the first comment made an illegal move, then the second commented move is taken.
    Rule 4. The game ends on blacks 69th move.

    White: WE4

    I love how the computer gives white 0.4 even before game starts. Racist??????

    Frank would beat a cheater while saying cheeky in his sleep.

    I was playing on lichess yesterday, and I was in a winning position. The opponent wrote in the meesage section 'it's so obvious that you are cheating'.. I got a surprise and asked him what he was talking about… he said, I learned to know when someone is cheating, and I'm going to report your account'… i was so weirded out that I went on to blunder the game, lost my queen and resigned.

    Cheaters make chess u fun but Levy makes chess boom. Levy a goat!

    The hikaru vs cheater 2 was just hilarious xD

    Gravity is weird; Butterflies are strong.. and weird; therefore, ergo,, butterflies are not made of real butter, thus,, toast when dropped always lands 'butter' side down… and as a result gravity doesn't affect butter or flies or toast or even cats' genitalia (now i'm thinking about it) (alot).. Merry christmas. EDIT: 🎄

    Finally things are back to normal, and instead of goofy Gotham face we get Magnus in the thumbnail.

    Levy ur videos keep getting worse. Day – 1

    Why tf are levy's comments filled with p*rn bots 💀

    fascinating how the engine literally stomps the crap out of the strongest grandmasters even from a dead lost position

    The best player isnt Carlsen, Liren, Mittens. Its one who is cheating. HANS NIEMANN

    I look at this video and all I can do is commend any person with a title on chess because it is so difficult to reach, so difficult that some people even have to cheat. Personally it would take a huge miracle for me to earn a single title.

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