Chess Grandmasters vs. Cheaters

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%1$ Comments662

    No, the best chess player is the one who never plays chess

    They have never lost, are so intimidating that opponents cower away in fear,
    They know they can beat their opponents with their mere presence

    Why do you think you’ve never heard of them?
    Because if you did, you’d never play chess again, you’d go get your mind wiped, and start living in a cave in the Aztec forests

    wouldve loved to see how the last game wouldve finished

    it literally says 0 comments even there are more than 1( could this be the first comment?)

    Why cheaters are best instead of worst?
    Because it is endless supply of Youtube content.

    your ego is bigger than your elo rating, and you suck at chess

    to avoid having to stutter and say "…or she…", try practice using "they" for the censored opponent <3

    I love how he’s just teaching us how to cheat and not get caught

    The best chess player in the world is Frank
    you cannot lie to us.

    I've lost more games at 75+% accuracy than I've won…
    On average win at 60% (700 elo).
    Cheaters are everywhere.

    Magnus when he sees a cheater: Finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!

    Its sad, im just getting into chess and it seems like a lot of people cheat even if the levels of cheating may vary. Like Levy says in video “legal cheating”, just stuff that is grey area or light cheating that is i assume very hard for better play to catch. People unfortunately justify it, acting like if they think someone is cheating getting assistance is ok ext.
    im very bad and learning still so i gain absolutely nothing from it, but i do somewhat understand why so many people do it even if i hate it. Hopefully detection gets to a point its just incredibly difficult for someone to cheat in online chess. It sucks losing at low elo to people who dont blunder and get high accuracy(could be sandbagging, which is kind of light cheating imo, but debatable).

    Finally, the magnus clickbait is back. Can't wait for the salty 9 y/os to get mad

    bro you bet be wtach whatca saybout mittins.

    Cheater: You can not beat me
    Hikaru: I know, but he can
    (Magnus Carlsen appears)

    I think the engine that the cheater played with magnus isnt stonkfish cuz real stonkfish wont play bad like that (i mean not bad but bad enough for magnus to draw xD) >:(

    Danya has faced a lot of cheaters in his educational "speedruns" and often does really well, often salvaging a draw. This game was a little bit misrepresentative if we're just showcasing GMs v cheaters, probably his worst defeat.

    Be careful you might get caught up in a lawsuit with that thumbnail.

    In Brasil "Sus" means unified health system. At First sight this looked like he needed medical atention after being destroid

    ufff…….it`s crazy for me that you can make so many bad moves and the beginning and still win hahahaaaaa

    After this game stockfish should definitely learn from Magnus

    Bhuiyan Trade International Elections Vlog says:

    Nah at home Hikaru is the best player (Orbital racer)

    “Instructional speedrunning” gives off unranked to gm (educational) vibes

    Aka smurfing

    Why are you guys avoiding me?

    I fischers_bane has obfuscated stockfish

    How to checkmate stockfish 4 with Greenacres Gambit in 16 moves


    Man Levy doesnt understand that Frank could defeat stockfish if he uses his true power.

    These videos just making cheating more rampant. Good job

    Even I a P class player, (Patzer), would not play as white did in the first game.

    Everyone claim your "I'm watching this from the first 30 minutes of the video" pass here

    This video just proves how good Magnus is. Other GM’s were destroyed by the cheaters, yet Magnus kept the game even and even had a slightly better advantage in the end

    "Nobody makes this many knight moves in the opening"

    Tacticboy would like to know your location

    Some cheaters also lie to their significant other.

    Levy where are the superbet chess tournament vids?

    Imagine having Stockfish as a chess coach. You're an unstoppable bastard.

    I just realized Levy has one of the best vocabularies I've ever seen.

    —> Maybe We're The 1st Spiritist* Pop-Metal Or Rock Band In This World 🤔

    -> ❤ But Don't Pay Much Attention To Our Neanderthal English, Ha Ha Ha


    -> Spiritist is who professes Spiritism, the Gospel continuation

    It has began with the books by Allan Kardec and continued in the books by Francisco C. Xavier, the greatest and more important medium/prophet of spirits of the last centuries…

    the first cheater reminds me of the time i started playing bullet on lichess and got flagged by a mf who moved his knight to flag me cuz i didnt knew how to respond

    Frank is the best player, he's just holding back his godlike presence, his mortal body you see is just a fraction of his godly power

    Bad Mai-san! Bad! I can't believe she would cheat like this!

    Imagine grinding to 3000 elo just to blatantly cheat against Hikaru

    you only tell lies and spread misinformation

    Frank is the GOAT

    you are the worst chess creator to exist …plain old boring

    This morning i was wondering randomly what Levy might be doing back in ny

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