Chess Grandmasters vs. Cheaters

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%1$ Comments662

    Bro really made a whole 23:00 minute video on Hand Nimans alt accounts 💀

    Cheater: “you can’t beat me, I’m using stock fish”
    Magnus: chuckles “you fool… I AM STOCKFISH!”

    Why people think this kind of things work? xD

    Is it bad that watching gms lose to cheater makes me feel better about it

    Hey Levy. Remember to rage more toxic when you play against bots, than against human beings. I think you would win more against bots in the future. You're welcome. (not wearing a cape)

    Well my goal rn is to try to hit the 1000 game threshold I feel like with every game I play I gain a little more insight

    What do they get out of it? Pleasure in frustrating another human being? Isn't that a mental illness called sadism?

    I hope chess gets a better anti-cheat in the next patch.

    Nice to hear you're intermittent fasting too, it has helped me lose weight, what's your motive?

    1:20 love to see Danya in a Gotham video, I love his content and his personality ❤❤

    It's kind of depressing to see that such an obvious cheater reached 3000 rating.

    Danya beat a cheater in his recent speed run. Also his speed runs are some of the best chess content on YouTube, definitely worth checking out!

    “It’s not Frank” when he says a stupid comment like this he immediately loses all credibility

    So it's basically GMs being humiliated by Stockfish and Magnus casually winning against Stockfish.

    Cheater: My engine found the best move in 3 secs.
    Magnus: I know every line my dozen supercomputers have come up with in 10 years.

    Hey Gotham can you review my games I got a 98.9 accuracy game Name is DOOMSLAYER10

    A Sperm Whale Spontaneously Called Into Existence says:

    I think being an engine qualifies as cheating lmao. If mittens is a choice for "the best player", stockfish also would be.

    When he said “the best player in the world is not frank” i was shocked jeeez the ladder changes so fast theese days

    The best thing about being in 3-digit elo is that there are no cheatera

    Wait, how is Frank not the best? I think Levy is being too humble. After all he trained him.

    Lmao at how Daniel (initially) and Hikaru don't get GM tags but Magnus does, that's some mad disrespect.

    Levy really missed the chance to show the games of Hans Niemann

    Levy: “I’m farming cheaters for content to show you guys”
    Me: You son of a bitch… I’m in

    What happens when a gm plays a cheater? He resigns after move one 😂

    I need Levi to allow me to peer into this Cheatlandia some more.

    Me who made a new acc today and used stockfish ang got banned😂

    I can't recognise you, wearing a T-SHIRT?!?!?!?!?! Who dis????

    We came from Homoerectus to Homosapiense and now We've become Homogothamise 😂

    “Daniel Naroditsky is the lowest rated GM”

    That one 300 in how to lose at chess: 😳

    For those who think magnus was winning the last game, I would like you have a look at the final position. Magnus's rook and bishop are very passive. All of the black pawns are on the same colour as the bishop of magnus. Also, It is a very closed endgame, so black's knight in the center is way more powerful than white's bishop and also black's rook and king are more active than magnus's king and rook. Even though the evaluation bar is almost equal, black has an advantage and has comparitevely more chances of winning.

    Hello! Will you cover some of grand chess tour matches from Bucharest?

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