Chess Grandmasters vs. Cheaters

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%1$ Comments662

    The voice in my head when Levy says "slowrunning":
    "It all starts with a timer. That's the beauty of speedrunning. It doesn't matter how much you suck at the game, if you're playing it with a timer on, you ARE speedrunning. It really is that simple".
    – @Msushi

    I dont drink and drive, i Gotham and drive 😂🤙🏾

    not that it really matters… but speed run just refers to ranking up as fast as possible. Has nothing to do with the time control.

    hey gotham, i think the reason cheater games get a lot of views is because ppl are interested in how an engine would play a position

    I once played like a 1700 rated player while beeing a 800 that was the best match of my 6 years of playing

    Hi levy. Today i sacrificed my rook and knight for checkmate.

    Vishy Vs Nikhil Kamath game should be covered in this episode. That's probably the most famous GM vs cheater game.

    I know you have made a dedicated episode on that game, but still it served a mention in this episode as well.

    Clueless, yep #1 no doubt. I do not need fame or fortune, in fact this alone makes me happy. Thanks

    Day 1 of asking to review this game Fen R2rk2r/1Q2qppp/2Pp4/2P1p1n1/8/5N1P/1PP2PP1/6K1 b – – 0 19

    I think you are wrong in this one, Mr. Gotham. Have you seen Frank play???? No cheater is beating that

    That third game was insane cuz to realise there was -3 worth of compensation for the pawn is absurd especially in blitz

    Can anybody link me the second game from hikarus pov?

    By the way, the 50 minutes long instructional video of Daniel Naroditsky are absolutely amazing, you should check those out!
    It's less fun than Gotham chess content, but it is very useful to improve at chess !

    Engine knew it was Magnus as white so it gave him 0.4 advantage without any moves😂 at 17:46.

    Actually I think I will play in over the board tournaments to get my GM title and sue you for slander. Especially when my game data is given as well.

    You have kind of a british voice today Levy

    The problem is that it is just too easy to use an engine or bot. I think that online chess is DOA. Maybe go back to pre-internet days like a brink and mortar chess club.
    Or some way to create human only spaces online.

    Think I just my start entering over the board tournaments, just so when I get my GM title I can say my favorite hater accused me of being a cheater.

    Imagine that, a 48 yr old becoming a titled paper known GM!?

    When in reality he's been the best in the world for decades under the radar.

    Eh who cares. Cheater Peter.

    How to Make an engine resign? Magnus : hold my beer

    Just shows how strong engines are. Making 10 troll moves than beating a GM convincingly.

    0:22 nah cheaters didnt ruin chess, stupid twitch streamers did botez sisters for example and other idiots who made chess boxing, Chess boxing shouldn’t exist
    Its an insult to both chess and boxing.

    "Hikaru just planting the rook on c4"

    your videos make it clear I am #1 thanks! 😂

    Am I the only one who thinks the guy who played hikaru in the first game definitely did not cheat

    Kidnapper: Count how much cheaters gothamchess has used for content

    Me: Easy!

    3.5 hours later

    Kidnapper: KEEP GOING
    Me: 1 million one hundred and 40 thousand five hundred eighty-one and 56

    I can and will move my knights or any piece as much as I wish and still understand the position better than you ever will.

    I think Levi was starting to regret doing this towards the end there, and for good reason.

    wasting time, jaja, yes, but not for what you think. Pathetic accusations from someone who wishes they were that good. Still think you're the best! jajaja

    22:42 but what really helped in this game i think is, that MAGNUS PLAYED BLACK!!!

    Why would you cheat in chess? There's like nothing to win. Only lose something, your dignity…

    I am surprised I don't see any Hans Nieman jokes in the comments

    Creating content is getting tougher and tougher these days 😂


    Does hikaru have that second game on youtube somewhere?

    For some reason i thought levy would just bring up the game between Magnus and Niemann from last year lol

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