Chess Grandmasters vs. Cheaters

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%1$ Comments662

    Great stuff. One small thing – these GMs etc are being beaten by engines, not by people, so wouldn't it be better not to dignify the cheaters with the pronouns "he" or "she", but instead refer to the machines who are actually winning the games with the right word, ie "it". Alternatively, you could call the cheaters "wankers".

    Wow that danya game really brought up my nostalgia for his 5 minute game slow run

    Levy: It's rare to see Magnus play a cheater.
    Hans: Am I a joke to you?

    Hey, i saw there is a chess competition going on in romania rn. I was wondering if ur gonna cover some of the games?

    0:23 100% factual statement. It really is to the point where I just play the bots instead. That way I know I’m playing a bot rather than just suspecting it.

    make Vlog Channel we will love that

    Sorry but Hikaru Bad play in this game , no cheater for me .

    Why the mf is not recaping the classical event which is going on , there are literally every elite players present there.
    I think this channel is only dedicated to magnus , if magnis will play any tournament then the tournament recap will happen otherwise the videos will be like '' magnus does this that

    Man i would live to see Hikaru's reaction on the second game. He got absolutely rekd.

    Levy, you make that many knight moves in your openings half the time

    Please make a video on how they actually cheat. Do they play a computer simultaneously? How can they be so fast?

    I wonder who is behind that stockfish image

    I cheat in chess by using the martin bot 😎

    Levy it's Cheater VS Grandmaster
    Me it's engine VS Grandmaster

    And the funny part is magnus said every move of the black is "okay, okay, okay"

    Wait, why is making a brand new account cheating?

    God bless you, Levi…after a long day of work…I watch your videos for relaxation, keep it up man….love your content❤

    ofc magnus won against a cheater thats really funny

    Danya's approach to potential cheaters is the best, always encouraging checking with the engine before making raondom claims, justifying and teaching us all how to check too :))

    Great video. But why don’t you out the cheaters? As the man with the biggest platform I’d think exposing the frauds would be in the best interest of the community.

    Only made people get mistaken in FPS games as a cheater, chess games would be GOD tier for me to get mistaken like that

    "Nobody at 2400, not a single person on the planet, makes this many Knight moves in opening" huh? How about sandomierz defense?

    Was the story about the person cheating in an actual tournament with an vibrator anal plug real or just memes?

    Daniel was rated near 2650 at his peak, so yeah! Very strong player.
    He's still in the low 2600's ELO now. Very solid player, but not as active. He's more of a teacher now,

    Petition for Levi to arrange a match between XQC and Frank. Imagine the amount of content you can milk from that.

    I just wanna see XQC vs Frank. Their battle would be legendary!

    To be fair it's impressive stockfish put up a really good fight👍🏻

    To be accused of cheating in chess
    To be accused of being steroids with my physique
    To be accused of being a drug lord with my net worth

    Feel like 99 per cent of this fanbase is 12 year olds

    Of course the GOAT still wins. Incredible stuff!

    That must be why I keep losing all my 900 rated games, because I’m playing a grandmaster posing as 850. Makes sense now!

    Thanks Levy! Thanks to you i now know how to cheat without being detected!

    Magnus still beat the cheater. In other words, he is the best player in the world.

    Is this about the time Magnus played admitted chess cheater, and later SLAPP suit filer, Hans Niemann?

    Can you make a video of masters who have cheated using computer assistance.

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