chess king sacrifice

Credits to: Chessbase India

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    I see the play here.

    Put your King into danger, and hope the opponent is baffled long enough that they run out of time so you win.

    If I was me I would just play: King takes king and then hand shake.

    I go back to this from time to time lmao, and it still making me laugh

    His goals are beyond our understanding

    My friend using 99,9999999% of his chess skill be like :


    And this is what you call the king’s gambit😂

    I love it how Hikaru didn’t even say anything. He just wore a face of utter confusion and shock.

    He then lost on time.

    My name is Son gohan and am not a human. says:

    Seat 1 : is that our guy?
    Seat 2: idk man

    I don't know shit bout chess but godamn this looks funny as hell with the edit 😂😂

    Well, the king should have advatage on his next attack anyway, so that should be fine. The sacrifice of the pawn means he should have temporary hit points, though if the opponent could cast Smite in the Psychic Phase, he's going to have some problems. I suppose going back four turns could help, if he at least jumps the king down to Board -1. Or he could get the king towards the corners and into a safe zone.

    Not that it matters though because he moved before the ring was blue anyway. No chance of getting a four in a row now…

    Indians in the audience immediately disowning him😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    If you looked closely, that king deliberately moved within the other king's range because he secretly had a bomb strapped within his clothes so the move was to finish both kings off for a draw

    “Traveling barefoot on legos is a no-no”
    -Sun Tzu

    Considering we all want politicians to sacrifice themselves for the people, the king qualifies as the greatest of its kind.

    “I pretend I did not see it” STOP IT, IM ALREADY DYING

    No its actually illegal to move the king into a mate position.

    The first time ever someone sacrifices the king (is that even allowed?)

    Ironically, with his pawn closer to black's side, he probably could have gotten his queen first and made a comeback anyway.

    Sometimes you have to sacrifice the king to win the game

    Source: trust me bro

    As my chess teacher said: "Kings never kiss each other".

    I think he just noticed that his timer was gonna run out first anyways, so you might as well go out in dumb style

    And it was in this position on move 116 that we have a completely new game😂

    This is basically the CoD trolling equivalent on Chess.
    You enter a room unarmed slowly ready to die only for the guy to feel confuse as fuck so you can stab him for overthinking.

    I don't think the Japanese strategy of WWII works on chess.

    Never let yourself know your next move.

    I haven't seen someone pull this off since code geass

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