chess king sacrifice

Credits to: Chessbase India

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    "In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces." -Zapp Brannigan's Big Book of War

    me who never plays chess: “hmmm…indeed.”

    Everyone: *Talks about the king sacrifice*
    Me: "Hikamura Nakaru 💀💀"

    Wtf are you doing
    -sun Tzu: "stop attributing stupid fucking quotes to me"

    does anyone know the soundtrack? Someone tell me please!

    This was mostly just a way of giving up.
    The black king was closer to the white pawn – the pieces that can only go forward one space except to take on an opposing piece just diagonally (still forward, just forward-left/right). Black would've had to mess up somehow.

    And he sacrificed the kinggggggggg😂😂


    it literally looks like he thought abt it too 😂

    Imagine if the other guy did anything other than moving the king ☠️ that would've perfected the scene 😂

    I have had someone try to move the king into check, then tell me because they are in check they get another move.

    I had the same reaction as above…

    Interestingly, if hikaru takes, he loses, because he would have just played off an illegal move. If he calls the arbitor, and the arbitor confirms it is illegal, then he would win

    Hikaru looks like he’s been through this before lol

    what kind of king makes his men fight at the front line while he sits behind them relaxing?

    for further context from a full version i saw (if its the same match which it looks to be) A ref intervened and awarded nakamura additional time and the other guy lost on time out

    끝까지가면 무승부인 판 아닌가 왜..

    me who can't understan chess still laughing

    And he sacrificed…

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