Chess Memes #116 | When Pawn CHECKMATES

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Chess Memes #116 | When Pawn CHECKMATES

Luv u guys


If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments328

    The fact they said kings gambit but it’s queens gambit.

    No bishop you can't give me an ad when it's your ad part, this is unnecessary

    The black king will be a roast chicken 😂😂😂

    The like difference from this video to the videos before episode 70 is wild

    its actually queen's gambit but still, love ur vids

    I don't want the bishop era to end but I want the black bishop to be nicer to the king

    Ad bishop ain’t got no ads so he’s basically just a boring hacker that nobody likes and he make people like him by force

    He missed en passant! Time for the excecution

    So I’m the only one that noticed the visual change on castling?

    Gimme my true fan badge TopChess😤

    If the bishop stays the load i might unsub soon


    And thus the black king's weiner was pierced forever.

    Bishop said kings Gambit when it was queens gambit

    Bishop is annoying me 🤬

    wait but there is a chance that It (warthunder)
    will ban you from military contracts

    That is queens gambit not kings gambit you donkey bishop😂😂😂😂😂

    could top chess delate bishon s era

    เบ็นเท็นครับ says:

    Checkmate of the first pawn

    sponsor skip makes all the annoying ad stuff go away

    Can we all agree pawns are the best piece?
    1: Funny accent
    2: they are nice
    3 they can open your bishop and queen in the opening and protects all pieces
    4: promotion

    Ultimate pawn and black bishop=
    Ultimate bishop era

    Oh my god even if its over the ad bishop still sponsor bro really want to promote it

    The use of adverts in the middle of the game is absolutely brilliant. If I had a console I would download Warthunder. Well done!

    hats crazy is when bishop was about to do the sponsor for warthunder an add about warthunder actually popped up on my screen!! LMAO

    I wonder what will happen at episode 199, does the pieces will finally turn against the black bishop? Did the final battle is in the dark void in ep 200?

    How many times did bishop torture the black king?😅

    Why does it say the bishop says its kings gambit but its the queens in reality

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