Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments404

    I 1 2 4 Q
    I'm the orginal that chess meme

    The titles is a same thing as another

    I thought this was ep 68 but it's white who's doing the king's indian at the start

    this really put a smile on my face

    Finally, a peaceful ending, this comes out every 73rd episode of Top Chess videos

    It’s actually monday right now so black and white king are probably fighting rn

    Good Ending: The Queens Died And The Two Kings Became Friends And Lived Happily Ever After 😀

    Who else stayed till the end to listen to the closing music😂😂

    Make a video where the horsey and queen fuses and becomes a fairy piece

    when the black queen and white queen cheats on the kings and goes to he other sides

    the moment i see horse move there, i already knew it was icbm time. fav opening, troll all the time

    I recognized the tennison gambit

    Scandinavian defense? I think you meant intercontinental ballistic missile

    Idea: When the bishop finally redeems himself

    I hope he got that video idea from me (episode #70)

    "Don' t try that intercontinental bullshit again" makes me laugh.
    While Queen: *still trying it.

    Shit is serious when the bishop says “Checky checky mate mate”

    ah yes its the Intercontinental Ballistic Missle Gambit

    6:23 the queen could have moved to d4 and stopped check and survived before bishop moved

    You should make an episode where bishops become less hated (:

    the intercontinental ballistic missile has returned

    Can you make a rap song for the white king? Please I subbed

    I suggest that there would be a episode when the bishops prove themselves and give checkmate

    "Intercontinental bullshit" 💀💀💀

    This is the best story chess some thing new

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