Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

Luv u guys


If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.

We love chess memes, and we make these chess videos for you whether you’re a noob, pro, casual player, or the best in your friend group. Here to make you laugh 🙂 and to mail you a free cookie when you subscribe.

%1$ Comments404

    "Intercontinental bullshit" is now my new catch phrase

    Yay a new episode. I've been binging the old ones while waiting for this lol

    Peaceful next game you should be friends and not make war in episode 75 you can go to war in episode 74 peace will start and be friends no kill

    soooooooooooo, the next episode is tommorow, so lucky for me

    Couldn’t the bishop block the check and he wouldn’t have to sacrifice the queen

    For this Englund Gambit queen trap, Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess) said you should actually take the pawn in front of the bishop and not to be greedy to take the bishop because there wil; be an discovered attack on the queen

    This guy is the best and is too underrated
    I've learned more chess from him than from GOTHAM CHESS or other channels

    Nooooooooo. I only watch the boring chess bit for the closing title music and baby laughter. Worst ending ever!

    I have a great idea
    Made both black and white bishops friends and listening to each other not listening to king

    The moment I saw this I tried this on a 2500 rated player and fail never ganna do this again

    Thanks For Watching I had a good time says:

    Now we need chess memes where black goes first

    The bishops checkmate the black King but the King still does not love them and then they leave .two episodes later the white King realises the mistake ,because they kept losing, when they try to get them ,they succeed andthe bishops are now the 3rd most valued piece from the white king they are finally being loved
    By then the favorite piece list would be (from the white king) :
    1)rook or knight
    2)knight or rook

    For some reason. I'm getting some Red Vs. Blue kind of lore being developed… 🤔

    Thank you for uploading. I am always so excited when I see a notification on my phone pop up that you posted a video

    Hey Top Chess, Why would you NOT doing Queen indian opening instead?


    Make the white horse fork everyone and win

    you can make next game the: King's Pawn Opening: wayward queen attack

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