Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments404

    Tennison Gambit: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Variation has been unlocked

    Do the bishop check mate or do the kings gambit

    Tennison gambit is my favourite gambit lol

    I’m waiting for #100 cause Usr maybe the bishop won’t be bullied 😊

    i love using the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit

    Idea: Knight moves than pawn after bishop moves to pawns original place than white king can castle than pawn moves one square and than bishop can move than and it is also called kings indian defence

    this will be perfect while having daily meal hhh

    Intercontinental ballistic missile gambit😂😂

    now i wish the queen got demoted into a thingyless pawn

    Hey i love your videos so much💞
    Can u make a vid of chat gpt vs stockfish? You can make it as they are possessed or having a nightmare or something

    If my dreams were chess, I would already be dead rn

    Day 2 of asking to make a video for some reason horsey gets cursed and then becomes a pawn but the light side is the horsey becomes a queen but still keeps the horsey voice

    wait rook is attacking the queen while bishop is checking king

    Hello it is me gm vikram rahul abhishek pranav rajesh

    Me when I realized that this was an actual gambit: 👁👄👁

    One day there will be a game with a misclick…
    one day

    what the hell is that gambit, the interconational missile tactical nuke of 1 ton bread

    A peaceful ending?! Wait, that's illegal!! 🤣🤣

    I learn all my gambits from this, I actually use them effectively!

    It is really a good introduction to this gambit! Thanks

    I’m mad they call a KNIGHT A HORSEY OH MY HELL IT ANGERS ME.

    This is tennison Gambit Trap for queen

    I love your channel ,pls like my comment

    This is THE ONLY episode where they make peace this ONE time.

    love when we see the intercontinental ballistic missile gambit

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