Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments480

    Pls make a 2 bishops checkmate, maybe a pawn accidentally promotes into a bishop?

    2:30 queen doesn’t understand a knight and bishop is better than a rook and a pawn ♟

    yeahh they definitely were talking average boi stuff like how come someone in the US is named gay bowser

    At 3:34, when they fork, hope black realizes that the queen is being attacked

    I remember when pawn simped king when he had 300 subs and I subbed too. Now I hope king will simp soon

    This is just hilarious. you're the best chess memer

    I guess kings are the only pieces that allow to break the 4th wall without getting their mermory wiped

    The prophecy is coming to fruition, the center pawn has become a queen. the bishop got a check mate, whats next???

    Episode 100: The kings finally respect the bishops, an en passant checkmate happens, the kings and queens are freindly to eachother, the black queen gets her memory back, and the center pawns get to be queens in the end. The True Ending.

    Bro the bishop could have takem the rook when it was on h7

    An idea for #100.

    Both sides takes ten moves each, one of them breaks for a commercial, another gets tired of the commercial, takes a piece, then it becomes a bloodbath for the next few turns.

    Bishop saying checky checky mate mate is something new

    I can't wait for episode 100. It's just gonna be like 20 mins of chess lore. It would be really epic tho.

    Finally, Bishops listen, I'm starting to think that they're actually worthless simps…

    bishop's gettin closer and closer each episode, maybe the rumors are true that he will recieva respect on ep. 100

    Bruh I thought there gonna do the Halloween gambit

    The Bishop may have Checkmated them and so removed 'em from the board, but little did he know he was gon' get removed from the board next. . .


    Change the title to "When you checkmate with THE BISHOP"

    Black King: Wait, they didn't attampt Scholar's Mate?

    Bishop has the only right to checkmate the king lol

    I wonder if we’ll ever see an opening like the Queen’s Gambit or something a bit different. Videos are great but starting to get formulaic especially with the bishop hate 😢Looking forward to seeing the bishop get some love

    For episoid 100, king is almost in checkmate unless bishops stops it, queen is dead so she can't impact it. King looks at bishop and realizes all of it's mistakes it had done. The king and bishop take over and checkmate. When the center pawn gets to the end and turns into a queen, it says, "The previous queen said to me this before she died, 'I'm proud of you, and even though king may not respect you, you will be my simp forever.'

    I remember when bishop used to be chad in older videos

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